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i sat all day yesterday making a few fixes and updates to my game. so its been on a hiatus due to irl stuff, and it will still be probably pushed back until december, which is when I hope to get back to coding more regularly on it.

However! Last time i coded on the game, I had done a lot of overhauls and fixes, but I had also broken a few of my systems due to the updates. I have however now fixed most of what I had broken, and I updated the quest system further yesterday, so that i am closer then ever to being able to start coding the main questlines!

Looking at the systems I have now, the quest system still needs a few minor fixes before I can actually make quests and quest lines, but id say Its about 10% of fixes left before I can, so I am hoping to actually start adding in quests in december, and start coding the main questlines, along with adding potential code fixes that will be needed for said questlines to work. So I will wait a bit with adding more sex poses, and start focusing on the actual gameplay next time I start coding =D

TL:DR  So yeah. lots of minor and mayor issues were wixed on my game yesterday, and im closer then ever to being able to start making questlines and actual gameplay! My game is on a hiatus until december though.


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