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The new updates are really coming along for the background codes. The key system is as mentioned earlier, much simpler, and works much better with the interaction system. im currently working further on the inventory systems, and making updates that will allow the inventorys to interact with eachother much more efficiently. Ive also been minimizing the code in the inventory widget, and sorting codes better, including streamlining even further the process of adding stuff to the inventory. 

Currently my focus is the inventory interactions though ( from inventory to inventory) I want the player to be able to left mouse drag items from one inventory to another, which is not currently possible, or drag items out of item inventorys and place them in the world, or in the players inventory. (ex: chests with stuff in them)  I also need to make some fixes to the item inventory that is supposed to spawn actual items into chests etc, as that is currently not working, while all other inventory types work fine.

After ive finished that, I need to make some updates to the dialog system, as currently its broken due to the interaction/ key changes I made. luckily it wont be an issue to fix that. I will also try to shorten this further, as its one of my more convoluted systems, which is spread across several codes, making it quite messy. Im hoping to condense it much further (the dialog system reads quests, so it needs to process a lot of variables)

So yeah, there arent any ''new'' features other then the soon to come ''drag iem from inventory to inventory'', but I have been updating, streamlining, and looking through several of my codes classes/blueprints. 

list of codes/classes ive been updating - 

itemslotwidget (combined with the below code, and is now used for all of the games inventorys, for easier comunication between inventorys. Im still working on this code)

itemrandomizedslotwidget (removed, and combined with above slot widget. this was originally the code for item inventorys, which made it a mess to comunicate with the players inventory)

inventoryplayerwidget (players inventory, has had all of its code updated, and most of it shortened. This is a huge code/class that handles a lot of details, including the item inspection system which is decently detailed.)

inventory component (had all of its add to inventory and remove item codes updated, including the handling of items being held in the players hand)

inventorystoragewidget (inventory for wardrobe, big chests etc)

inventoryitemwidget (items inventorys, like small chests, letter stacks etc)

questlog component (updated all of the code, and received code from the quest class and inventory, to fully handle quest updating, rather then collection quests being handled by one code, and interaction quests being handled by another code.

keylog component (updated all of the code and added more features to handle different types of keys.)

Keytype enum (fully reworked, which is what originally corrupted my game in my earlier post. this enum now makes more sense, and has more flexible variables. )

interaction component (updated most of the code, especially things that relate to the keylog/keys, which is a lot.)

interactionwidget (reworked and shortened, to more efficiently spawn the interaction menu and interaction options)

interactionoptionwidget (shortened, and has had parts of its code moved to the above widget instead for ease of use.)

npc character class (had its interaction code updated to work with the new key and interaction system updates)

quest class (has had a lot of its code moved to the questlog component)


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