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My familys dog has gotten sick a month ago, she was taken to the vet, and had to be sedated several times over the month. Shes recovered from this, but shes been walking on only 3 legs the past 2 weeks. I drove her to a vet in another city yesterday, and it turns out, her shoulder is dislocated, due to having been dragged a bit too much during sedation. Ive been a bit busy the past few days due to this. Im also going to have to drive her to get operated on this monday, so there arent any huge updates for the game atm.

I have made some facial rig updates for better looking and faster lip syncing/ facial expressions though.

Ive added in 'fleshy eyelids', and fixed my lips rig so that it can properly pout, and is generally a bit more flexible, as it now allows me to use scaling and rotations better, rather then relying fully on moving the controllers, and hoping for a default good mouth shape. 

Ive made some other changes too, like world rotation on/off switch for the chest and head + some smaller updates. Once im fully done with the mouth rigs updates, im going to start lip syncing again. Im hoping to have as many lip syncs in for the female as possible before I release the second beta. 

So the female will make sounds during the next, but the male wont. Sound stuff went a bit slow, so the beta will not be ready until at least mid this month D: mostly to make sure I get in a nice selection of moans, and hopefully some dirty talk. 





Devon Lieberwitz

IRL stuff should always come first, especially for your beloved pets. I appreciate you still working towards this game whenever you're able.


Take care of your pet above all. Their lives are worth more than anything, spend some time with her - we don't mind. Hope it all turns out ok.


Aww! Hope everything goes well. Poor little baby :(


I hope she gets well soon.