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ych nude alt - https://liardart.com/veiled-vows-of-chastity/

Edit: I forgot to link the ych hahaha, Nude version up. ill render the second angle, and its nude version sometime next week.

Sex free camera - https://gyazo.com/20635cc583e2f62a5d1c56a3763e30f2 

chair and wardrobe camera mode - https://gyazo.com/07de41272d02f83d431c95b27aa29121 

I have added in several different camera modes. These are still work in progress, but as you can see, different things like using the wardrobe or sitting have different but more fitting camera modes. Im missing filling out some features for the lmb or lmb+rmb mouse buttons, but its working very well atm. These camera modes are seamlessly changed between using a dropdown list now, which im super happy with, as that has also actually made the code tick / listen for less events/inputs. now there is 1 mouse input event(compared to the 5 I had) that just checks the dropdown list, then runs the appropriate camera function :D 

My favourite camera is the free camera, which I had in genns visions of nzoth. this time its just a bit less buggy, and runs on much less code, which is nice. Im also going to add a cinematic camera mode like genns visions had, but this time i will likely also make a mode that lets you set your own pre-defined angles too, instead of only being able to use my premade /preset angles. (this feature will come at a later time though, once I have introduced more poses/animations. 

In the sex mode, i am going to let the user switch between some of these modes (free flying camera, cinematic camera andthe rotation camera(rotates around the characters))

Ill kep working on this tomorrow, fixing the camera speeds, and implementing all of the mouse inputs on every camera, and also test out a way to better light up characters, as I am getting some bad shadows in areas with few lights.

Other updates -

- Ive added a simple black fade in. 

- ive added a feature that turns on/off hair simulations for sex and sitting mode(the hair will be animated on a per pose basis for everything other then the walking, as her braid is very long, and there just isnt a simple/ low resource way of simming the braid to lay on furniture etc. (as far as i know)

- optimized player and npc teleportation

- optimisied LMB, RMB and LMB + RMB + WASD movement input code to be much more resource friendly, just like the camera system.

- made sex poses movable, and re-usable for areas like the floor etc.(I realiced that changing having different versions of the same pose for floor and bed/soft areas will bring far too much work in the future, the more races I put in, so I am not instead opting to re-use poses as much as possible.(there is more jumping up and down in general on bed animations, which could look a bit funny on the floor, but its better to have tons of animations, then having few very optimized ones)

- fixed a bug that made it so that if the npc was moving, he would not go into the sex pose, but instead walk ontop of the player.



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Nice! I see you added the fade in/out for pose transitions. I think it's a good compromise from having to animate the characters going between scenes, which will allow you to focus more on the important animations. Looking forward to future updates, and thanks for showing your blueprint/node setup.


Curious, will the motion blur be a graphics setting we can turn off in this game when it's out? It just occurred to me how strong it is in the indie UE4 games we often see

Devon Lieberwitz

Damn son! This is looking great! Thanks for keeping us updated on everything.


I can’t wait to test it


I havent turned on motion blur, doubt I will, but if I do, it will be an optional checkbox in the graphics section

