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I need to take a short break for a few days. I have a decade long history of back/neck issues, and due to not doing any workouts during corona months, I had emanaged to work up constant muscular made headaches 2 weeks ago <:D(Funny enough I realiced around 1-2 months ago I couldnt really train anymore due to the muscle stiffness giving me a headache if I trained, but I postponed going to the chriopractor for too long) 

2 or so weeks ago though I went to a chriopractor whos managed to loosen up a lot of the muscular stiffness I had (and removed my headaches)  but  from him looseing up the muscle knots that gave me head aches, I have been left with  muscular pains in my arms and shoulders and back.(These pains are sadly just a side effect of my musculature being seriously stiff) Im going back to him for the 4th time now tomorrow, but for now I am feeling constantly tired in my arms, and neck area which is making it hard to work on my pc. I think my arm specifically need to be trained a bit, and relax from the keyboard/mouse for a few days.

On the bright side, the quest system is almost finished, and the saving slots are working great, so once these pains are gone, Ill keep working on the animation I have started, and get you guys some wips of it \o\



I definitely support you taking care of yourself. Back stuff sucks. I am down two discs so I related on the exercises and issues. I hope you get to recuperate with minimum discomfort. Take care and see you in a few.


Excuse me, can I buy your .BLEND file?


take care of yourself man, we'll be here when you come back


Sorry to hear that you're in pain :( Take care of you!