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I have a deadline to reach within the next 2 or so days, for my online class, so I am leaving you guys with this wip for now while I work on my class project.

Ive had to overcome some of the usual issues with using wow furniture. In 3ds max it had to be handled a bit differently, but in the end, the method I found for maya, is working nicely. Only big problem I have now is furniture that requires seethrough, like plants. Wow has the seethrough on the plant textures themselves, while maya requires a second image that is black and white. In 3ds max I could hit a button that let the program read the transparency of the image, but i havent found an equalant for that in maya yet. once I get back to working on prons again ill look a bit more for that, and if I cant find it, ill just have to do transparency the hard way (make black and white images for all plants and leafs ill be using in this scene :I )

Bug/crash rant - 

I remember when i first started learning maya, one of my online teachers told me maya was a bug haven. I never really experienced a lot of buggs though, so I thought he was somewhat overreacting. However, now that ive started animating, I have been fighting my way through full on program crashes xD(I also had a lot of minor problems but ive managed to fix most of those. the saving issue from earlier on was my own fault it seems, as that is now working perfectly.) Ive been testing shit tons of preference options these past few days to fix the program crashes, and I think ive finally found the main problem with all the crashes, rather than bandaid fixes that ive been using. (1 of the main bandaid fixes made it much harder to animate, so i had to quit using it, and just start saving every minute, incase of a crash.)

Anyhow, my problem seems to be a GPU+Maya problem. Nothing is wrong with my GPU, but maya is getting funny memory leaks, or just randomy freezing crashing when evaluating fairly simple shit using the GPU. I might finally have found a proper fix for this issue in the preferences, so I cant wait to properly test this once I get back to working on the above animation. The animation is done, but I was getting some crashes when evaluating some textures of imported assets(GPU evaluation crashes also.)

Just saying this as ive spent a long time on this animation thanks to fighting maya constantly, but the initial struggle seems to slowly be worth it. Maya is in so many ways easier to animate within, thanks to my auto rigs, and just mayas ui in general + the graph editor being more idiot friendly. These weird bugs have just been holding me back a lot XD

Bugs ive experienced so far while animating-

- When focusing the camera on a object, camera dies and positions itself into oblivion, making it useless. (Found a way to fix it after 2 weeks.)

- saving animated scenes took up to 5 minutes(was a problem with some of the earliest elements of my auto rigger, that made maya confused regarding scales of objects. It is now fixed.)

- maya crashes when scrubbing the timeline (GPU problem I am still facing, but might have fixed with the most recent preference change.)

 - evaluation problems with shaders(Gpu issue that didnt happen as often, but should be fixed with the above mentioned fix.) 

- my graph editor that is needed to animate loops, wouldnt let me make any changes to the graphs(Fixed with a full on preference reset, deleting the maya preference folder)

- some minor issues I cant remember, but that i fixed with preferences.

These have been holding me back a lot lol, but yeah most are fixed, and the main issue might be fixed now. Crossing my fingers :D



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