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Almost done animating 2 of the animations. Sadly the carpet beatles are taking up a lot of my time, as although I clean my room, and parts of the house everyday, I am still surprised with a beatle, worm or worm shell suddenly appearing in a cleaned area every other day. Balancing all the cleaning and throwing away infected items, with my course and wow porn is proving to be very daunting.

These beetles came at a seriously horrible time, as I literally started my first course in half a year, and then they pop up days before the classes <:D feelsbadman. Getting a hold of insect exterminators is also apparently hard due to corona, as I was told to email them rather then call them 'due to corona' ?? and that was after waiting a whole week for them to open their offices again after easter holidays.





Will be there some Oral too?


I was going to add it, but as I need to re-code a big chunk of the expression system, and commission more sounds for it, im going to have to skip it for now. Ill try to get it in at a later date though &lt;:D