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Gotten fairly far on my auto rigger. 

 https://gyazo.com/04a5a90d0d68c8b36121b03d62f06c8a  <-- belf female

 https://gyazo.com/c0fe26fe38270a2b2e2711fa4e9cc00e  <-- human female

(above skeletons have completly different placements etc, but my joint cleaner and auto rigger is able to clean the skeletons, and fix the axises, and then rig the models although theyre very very differet. This will obviously spare me shit tons of time once I get to importing my models into maya :D )

Due to my auto rigger allways being exactly the same when it comes to rotations and movement axises, I can also use tools like these 


that will let me store poses and animations, and mostl ikely load them across races that are somewhat compatible, like belf female and human female etc :D

Joint cleaner part is done for the most part, and the rigger part is now almost halfway done.

Ive scripted the spine and arm rigs so far. Spine has several controls, as im using a method called a ribbon rig in maya, wich is somewhat intermediate level when it comes to creation.

For the arms, ive added the usual ik fk switch rig (something ive not had on my other rigs in 3ds max, as it takes a lot of work to setup properly.) Ive also added features that let me roll the fingers with a menu etc. 

Due to the nature of my code, I should be able to for the most part just rewrite my arm rig, and use that for legs. Although, Ill need to make sure the legs work for draenei etc. 

Once ive finished writing this auto rigger, ill finally get to animating again :) This is just a very important first step that I cant skip over, as itll make my life so much easier once its finished.


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