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Alright, so now that a lot of you have had the chance to test the first beta. (No sound yet, but it will come!) I think its about time I get some opinions from you guys for future interactive scenes. 

Important! Regarding these questions, I want to stress that no matter what is majorly picked, I will keep making animated videos every now and then, I just want to make sure I keep making content that interest the most of you :-)

Question 1 - 

Are you more interested in interactive scenes like this one, or the regular animated videos I usually do?

Question 2 -

So, for this first scene, There is 1 Main pose, with a lot of alternative versions of this one pose. (I mainly did this for testing.) My question is. Do you prefer having 1 main pose with alternative versions, or do you prefer having 1-4 completly different poses?

Question 3 - 

In the upper right corner, there is an fps counter/ random numbers showing. What was this number on on average when you tried the interactive scene?

Question 4 - 

do you prefer a regular  animated  video version released together with interactive scenes? or is this not needed?

Question 5 - 

As a standalone version, ingoring the missing sound, and missing alt poses + no expressions on genn greymane. How happy are you with the concept of the interactive scene and the controls so far? 

If you have any ideas, feel free to add them in the comment section below, or message me privately on twitter or patreon.



Regarding future interactive scenes like this - I would like it a lot more if we could get something like a launcher from which to access different scenes, so that we don't need a different "install" for each one. Like the concept though ;)


Im looking into that, but it requires another type of coding then im familiar with. I have a friend who is looking into it, but I might have to commission someone else , or see if someone sells already made applications that work with patreons api, which does this


I really like the scene as well, but if you do make another project in the future, I hope you do make some involving pandaren, even though it's not too popular with you right now. xD


Are there any plans to add some story to the interactive scenes like some sort of dialogue between characters (not necessarily voiced, but written at least)? Other than that its pretty amazing already in its current form.


I havent thought about it for interactive scenes, but I can poll it and see how many are interested :)


great work we defently need more poses with sylvanas AND what about alt. version with alleria or other characters that share the same model? Would it be possible to make some button that would just switch from Sylvanas to Alleria etc.?


only thing I want for interactive scenes is anal option. that's all


character switching will be my priority for the next interactive scene I start :D Only reason this one doesnt have it was so I could focus on coding the sex system.