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 https://gyazo.com/35b8b15cf328dc826c6f6140275c1d1a  - video

Adding around 5 main categories of moods for the expressions(Regular, Angry, Happy etc), and adding sub expressions within that. and within that im adding several animations. Hoping to have at least 5 variations per mood. (might add more moods as I come up with them.)

My current system is to choose a random parent category, and then afterwards choose a random expression within that category. with this sytem her expressions are starting to look fairly naturally randomized. Just need to add a few more. likely at least 10 more. Im also considering adding an option where the player can choose to uncheck expressions they dont want. Ex: no frowning/angry expressions. Or maybe the option to only smile etc.

I have a strong feeling the hand animations will be a lot harder to add then the expressions though.



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Looking good Liard,i know its alot more work than just doing an animation but i realy hope you want to do more of these interactive ones in the future,would be awesome


As long as enough people enjoy them ill gladly make more. Ive set up the file in such a way that I can make more using the same setup, without having to re-code everything. All ill need to do in the future is to ready new models, and animate them :)