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 https://liardart.com/?s=sisterly+love  <-- solo poses

 https://liardart.com/sisterly-love/  <--- full story

I kind of forgot to update the stories. ill try to get the other ones done too in not too long.

Anyhow. just wanted to say sorry about the swaps. Im 2 months behind on them. Since I do 4-6 every month, ill make up for it with an equal amout of swaps. Ill for sure get to some of them this month. I just got started a bit late after my holiday, as scripting turned out to be a bit harder then I thought. 

Python in maya, is like... writing an article in chinese, about a subject im well versed in. Aka, I have no fucking idea what words to use, or how to build the sentences <:D... so spent a few days catching up a bit. im still a complete failure at it, but ill just keep practicing later this week instead. Back to prons for now \o\ 

ill stroom some lesbo love later today after ive had dinner.

as for the swaps, ill add a form, and ill let those of you in the right ranks, fill it out, and then ill pick from that one. Those who have already have swaps on the wait list, will also get theirs done ofc :)  im around 14-18 swaps behind, so itll be faster this way.



Feel free to make more female angles in the future too!


Zed'thar &lt;3 o &lt;3