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Updated my posts layout a tiny bit \o\ It includes all posts tags now, instead of only the character name tags. and looks a tiny bit better.


Also! Ive uploaded 4 angles for the last commission (there is 5 in total) The last angle will be up in around 30 minutes.

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As for the commission. currently there is no video links. You have to click on the image, to show the video. Itll auto loop on pc and phones without a problem. Ive requested changes for this video player plugin, so that youll click on buttons, instead of images, but I cant say for sure when that will happen. The plugin creator agreed to make the changes for me, but he hasnt given me a date as to when itll happen.

Sooo, for now ill be posting new posts without links. if you see a play button in the left corner of the image, you can just click it. 

If you want to save the image, just right click the image. 

If you want to save the video, click the image,  so that the video start to play, and then right click the video, and save it. 




The new layout is really good! Will you handle the future content without links, like this commission post? And btw: Insane work, keep it up! ^-^


Ye, no more off site links most likely. Itll be exactly like this, but with a button to run the animation, instead of clicking the image :)


Hmm... Not bad! I'm alright with this new layout, although it takes me just a bit longer to download all the pieces now :)