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So, first off I want to thank everyone who participated. I will plan my content a bit more around the results in the next following months, and give you guys more options from your favourite races etc.

Im going to let the poll results pseak for themselves for now though. So here are the raw results

Sexualities I am here for -

Favourite Male races -

Favourite female races - 

Your favourite sexua lscenarios - (these are the most votes for ''fetishes'' the votes vere extremly varied, so most of the list had 30% votes. there are far more options, but the list was so long im only adding the top results for you to see.)

Animation size -

Animation pace - 

New animations, swaps or angles -

More frequent/new animations, vs more angles per animation.



Poor gnomes 😭 Still interesting 😊


Nice to see the Tauren males get some love, always thought the orcs were the most popular ones :) Though i feel bad for the female orcs, i like the mag'har females, feel they are kinda underrated.