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Ive re-shaped the nelf mesh, and test weighted it + textured everything but the pussy and ass.

I should be ready to start on morphs in 2 or so days. I will need to edit a lot of my npc custom accessories, to fully fit the new body, but luckily the hairstyles etc dont need any touching up, only the accessories, and body textures (but ill do the textures as i use the characters in the following months.) 

other then that, ive also started rigging the model, and damn.. the rig is wayy cleaner, yet has far more control, as ive added direct connections, in an attribute holder, that lets me steer the fingers and toes, through the dropdown list i made, or i can go and do it directly on the toe controls.

The spine is also faaaar mnore flexible, as i have added a spline rig, and a regular rotational rig. The spline rig means i can move the ass/hips and the rest of the spine will follow naturally. Im really looking forward to try animating with this new rig :D

(the videos below are super short unfortunately, i cant make them longer <:D)

click to see spine controls 

extra foot controls 

I also have controls to roll the toes, and fingers etc, but i have not attatched the skeleton to the rig yet.

Deformation wip - 

(the ass no longer collapses into the thigh when shes crouching etc)

screenshots i took before i shaped the body to be like the nelf. 

I imagine itll take me at least a minimum of 5 more days to complete this rig, but im hoping to have it figured out before that. Its been a looooot of work, but ive learnt a lot, especially yesterday in my 13 hour stream lol :D... (probably the most boring stream ever to watch, but i managed to take what i learnt in maya, and re-make it fairly accurately in 3ds max, which i have never before been able to.)

Once im close to finishing the rig, ill add a poll, and let you guys vote for what animation she will be used in.




IT LOOKS!!! SO!!! GOOD!!!! fkljæfkædl