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(filmed my viewport, so the wip is lagging a bit due to being a huge file)

Mini rant: (Sorry for having been so silence. Ive been finishing a task that is worth 50% of my grade to pass the course I am in in school, so had to make sure to finish that project within time. Im 95% finished with it, so will have it done tomorrow. )

As for the animation, it is pretty much done. Ive added a few extras that I can hide/unhide depending on the scene. Because I want the paletress one to look like a confessional booth, ill be hiding the jacking off dude for that one, but wanted to show off paletress in action, and the extras =P

(the males textures are placeholders currently. the dudes will not be pirates, and I will vary the dicks skin colours. 



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Not that I care particularly much about WiP previews, but I'm not seeing one. Scripts are on, page has had several minutes to load (and I don't see it loading anything), 100mbit connection etc.


that is odd, it loaded instantly to me when i clicked onm the video, but it doesnt seem to load directly on patreon. ill look into it


dim heels! <3