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The majority of you seem to be fine with the watermark idea, which is great! Some of you were a bit worried though, that it could destroy immersion, or that it would be big and destroy the animation/image.

Here is 2 watermarks im currently considering.

This one would be on regular animations -


and this one would be on patreon content - 


I still havent 100% decided, so feel free to throw ideas at me if you have any, in the commnet section below. 

Last but not least, a few people have said that they are afraid that i will punish all my patrons for what a few select individuals choose to do. Know that it is not my intention to punish anyone. I truly appreciate all of you who have stuck around with me, and made it possible for me to have my patreon fund my education! I am unbelievable gratefull for it. So I am doing my best to find solutions to this problem, that will hopefully positively affect you all, rather then negatively.  



i don't think that watermark would help much, though I'm excited at you considering it. since it's so far in the corner, it's easy to crop out for anyone that knows how to manipulate even the most basic of images :(


I will move it around depending on the image, but even if the placement is as unfortunate as in this example, at least the person has to do some work to remove it, instead of just downloading my animations, and directly uploading them one minute later :I The watermark that doesnt say exclusive on it, I doubt anyone will try remove, so that one will work more as advertisement. I could be wrong, but its worth a shot.


i see what you mean. i suppose just hindering their efforts a little would probably pay off a lot, yeah. i don't think it's particularly obstructive, either.


This may be too obtrusive for your purposes, but you could try adding watermarks to places like legs or arms - almost like tattoos, but reduce the opacity so it isn't too distracting. That way people can see it's from your Patreon, and it'll also be really hard to crop out without destroying the entire animation.


The comic sans is triggering D:


the watermark blocks off my favorite part :


Watermarking your work is a great idea.


I think the first watermark would be fine for everything - the 2nd one is quite large and honestly really pointless. People KNOW you shouldn't upload these online, so saying that there is kinda pointless. The point of a watermark i believe is point people towards your domains, which the 1st one does perfectly.


Its just a shame you have to be in this situation,because of the actions of a minority that have no respect for you/your work,the rest of us will support you whatever you feel is best mate.


Booooo, I was hoping for Tramp Stamp watermarks. :P -Because if they're moving (from character being animated) it'll be more difficult to remove them. If they're along the bottom people can just crop the area to remove them. For real though, these are fine.


Oh yeah, people will still upload it, but at least some admins on the websites theyre uploaded on, will agree to remove the animation if it is marked as patreon exclusive, and punish whoever uploaded it, as the person clearly did take patreon exclusive animations and uploaded it. Thats more so the reason why im making it like that :) I know people will still upload it.


I agree with Seteh, the second watermark makes it more difficult to remove unlike the first one which can be cropped off!! They are not intrusive at all. looks great to me.