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Click for full video  (This is a lesbian video)

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I wanted you guys to have this few days before the actual release. Unfortunately I had to compress the video for it to be viewable here, but the full quality version will be uploaded to pornhub once It is publicly released. Note that there are still a few minor things that will be changed/fixed, but tomorrow im super busy with school, so this was the last chance to have it posted before february.

Please dont upload the video anywhere!

Intro  (Written by Leninay@tumblr)

“What do you mean no rooms left?” Lenina asked the innkeeper. “I was travelling the entire day and I’m tired, I need a place to sleep.”

“I am sorry, Miss. I just gave away my last room a bit earlier to another blood elf. I think she was a warlock, at least she had some warlock-looking tattoos on her shoulders and a pair of horns, I have never seen an elf with horns before.”

“Wait, wait. Tattoos? Horns? What was her name?”

“Let me see…” the innkeeper was a bit surprised at the sudden outburst and quickly looked down to check his guest list. “...here we go. Rae, Rae Emberheart is her name. You know that i usually don’t give away the names of my gue…”

“Yes, yes, I know.” Lenina interrupted him with a grin. She pulled out some coins from her bag and gave it to the confused looking innkeeper. “Here you have the money for a room for the night. Could you please give me the spare key of Rae’s room? She is a friend of mine and I’m pretty sure she is willing to share…”

 Credits -

Sound by - Mmjsoh@tumblr

Voice acting by - Geekie-Mari@tumblr

Blood elf model by Bangfri@tumblr

Fel horns and tattoos by - Medeister@tumblr

Director and commissioner - Rae-Sfm@tumblr and Leninay@tumblr




That is an awesome video.


Long have we waited! Movie finally created! Seriously though well fucking done on this it turned out amazing


wow incredible! you are so talented!!


Great job Liard!!


This is great work.


finally! is really great omg the animatingggg


You are a god among men!


Holy wow, Liard. That was just divine. The animations were buttery smooth, the scenes were timed great, and you an absolutely incredible job on all the details. Wonderful, wonderful work. Absolutely adore this video!


Had a lot of fun on this!! ^_^ Love watching it!! :D


moar futa


Hail to our savior, creator and god of the smut! Awesome work and the reason why I pledge to you ^-^ <3