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Just want to say sorry for the lack of content. I have been working on this months animation, but im having huge problems when animating.

I tried to fix the problem I spoke about during early december (where I literally cant see what Im animating.) Unfortunately, the problem had become so umbearable this month, that I reset my whole pc, but that didnt fix the problem. I then installed 2017 3ds max, and my playback in the viewport is no longer lagging as much, however... I am getting some huge bugs that ive been trying to fix, and honestly. at this point im not sure I will be able to fix the bug. So chances are I have to re-animate, or animate using 2015, but be 100% unable to see what im animating....

I will keep trying to take a look at the bugs, and hopefully see if im able to fix the last one, that has been extremly persistent. (The bones on the legs are moving out of nowhere, although they have not been animated. The bug happens with and without ik chains attatched.) 

If Im unable to fix the bugs, and the bugs keep being persistent, it seems like I mighth ave to just get windows 7 or 8. Or see If I am somehow able to get an older version of windows 10, as 3ds max 2015 was running extremly well until I updated windows to the ''creator'' update that they forced down my throat. 


Felix Drake

Sounds incredibly frustrating, though its awesome to see you really pulling out all the stops to try and fix the issue. I wish you the very best of luck, Liard! I believe in you!


good luck