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So currently im on part 2 of 3, for the lesbian video im working on, and over halfway done with said part, so I am really close to finished with the animations. Part 1 has also had a majority of its post work done, so I am closer then ever to finish the video! I have a feeling it wont be out this year however as I have to shelf it during december, to get out the extra stuff I mentioned in an earlier post.

I have not yet re-uploaded videos either, as ive spent majority of my time working on this video, and my school project that I had to finish a week or so ago. (and now the new and last one for the classes I am taking :L)

I also still have a lot of the unfinished, but rendered patron swaps I did. Ill focus on these things the last 2-3 days of november, and the november giveaway animation. 

During december, ill have to focus fully on the undead/human female x orc animations, and hopefully ill have swaps of of those animations, with a human gal and orc guy voted for by you guys =) Ill put up the poll within the first 2-3 days of december, before I start animating. 

But yeah, sorry for the lack of content this month. Hopefully there wont be  such a boring month again. I would post the animations ive done, but then I would be spoiling all of the video im working on. A preview will be out soon though. It took longer then I expected, but the voice actress is done, and im just waiting for the sound guy to put her voice on top of his sound. 



You probably shouldn't do a project as big as the lesbian animation in the future. We've pretty much gotten one animation per month since August. The swaps are definitely a good way to balance the lack of new animation, but we've shifted from 3 animations per month, to 2, and now to 1 (and none this month). I get that there are extenuating circumstances, but it seems like this lesbian project has taken up a pretty huge portion of your animating time, and we are still supporting you for monthly content. That being said, I get that you've got other stuff like school going on, please just keep this in mind if you consider doing another project like this one.


I accepted the commission back in summer 2016, so cant do much about it really, other then try to make it as good as possible. Im just happy I am close to finished, so that I have one less thing to be stressed about.


I too have been disappointed with the dwindling amount of monthly content. I hope after you are finished with your commission, you will return to releasing a reasonable number of Patreon content.


Well, I cant go back to the amount i created in may, as the animations quality have improved, meaning they take many more hours to create. + im in school now, and have a ferret. But, I will for sure go back to the last monthly content changes I promised. Got them showing on the about page on patreon, so you know what im talking about :) ''types of monthly content '' that one.