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(I am writing this 7 am, extremly tired, and about to go to bed. Also highlighted some of the most important parts for those of you cant be bothered to read it all )

So, as I have gotten one huge problem, where the second host I have been using to host content on, has now died, pretty much  none of my work is viewable, except a few of my newer work where I replaced links.

1. Over half of my content has had no working links, for soon a year, and now it is pretty much 95% of my content that isnt viewable. Therefore, I really need to start replacing links so that you guys, and my tumblr followers can actually start viewing my content again. As I have made over 200-300 animations/images in all, I have A LOT of links to replace. lol 

This time however, I will host them on my own website. It has also come to my attention that my mp4 files are a bit blurry. I will fix this on all videos where I have the original .mov file. I will also take a look at looping mp4 files by default for phones, or see if I find another gif host. Gifs are however not priority for me at the moment. first I want images and mps replaced. 

2. I have a video project I really need to finish. I am halfway done with the project, and have not come any further for months, as I never had the time to even touch the project. Therefore, this month, I will focus most my time on this video, and getting a preview ready for you guys.

3. I will for sure do the 10 dollar giveaway animation for november, but there is a chance there will be no poll animation this month, depending on how long it takes to upload all the files above. 

So with 4 weeks during the month, I am hoping to have at least 7 days dedicated to the lesbian video, so that I can get a preview out asap. The sound is close to finished, the voice actor will be doing her part next week, and I have started doing post work, as ive been working on this video last weekend. Then the giveaway will take about 3-4 days from stasrt to finish. Then there is a new mandatory school project I will have to set off time for(I have to model a car...), and last but not least, uploading new files. So I will have to update links on patreon and my website. I will start with my website, and hopefully it shouldnt take more then a week. (Trust me, I would much rather animate then upload these files, but I feel like it is now or never, as I still have a lot of dead links that are 1+ year old, as ive prioritized poorly. However, I am now closer then ever to get a preview out, as ive been updating the videos overall look and quality.)

IF all goes as planned above, I will try to get a poll animation up during the last part of the month. But unfortunately, due to the uploads alone I cant promise anything. This will be a really busy month for me haha... I will also consider uploading .mov files for you patrons, so that if you want to you can view the full quality file rather then my compressed mp4 files. 

Regarding christmas

So, I have an idea I really want to work on, and I think you guys might like it! This idea will however mean that there will also be no poll animation during december. However! You will get a lot of animations! =) 

Last year I was working on a christmas special that I never got to finish. So this christmas, I would love to finish part 4 of (http://liardart.com/the-four-days-of-winters-veil/)

Now I know undead gals are not that popular. However, as this story is made to feature scenes where the the undead sees herself as a human. This means I will have at least 4 animations from said story, where there is a possibility of any human female, with any orc dude ;) Swaps will come with their own background, so if I go with this idea, I will put up a voting poll, where you guys get to choose the lucky lady and orc who will be swapped into the animations! (these swaps will be christmas themed!) 

I will update you guys more regarding this later next month.



seems like your plate is so full even the biggest eaters would have trouble eating it all

Bleakheart Trickster

Man that must drains your time. Take care, I can wait.

Felix Drake

You've been doing an absolutely amazing job, with all things considered. You have a lot to do, and definitely our support as you do it. Keep up the amazing work, and take care!


I think that you should make an archive of previous animations (on google drive for example), and find a new host for your future works.


All the great things in the world need time, so take all the time you want :) We will wait, excited for you :)