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Been a while since I started working on this model, then I put it aside for a few weeks, to work on other animations. Now im back on track though, to create last months voted gangbang (succubus x demons)

To be able to create some awesome swaps, Ive added wrathguards, dreadlords, broken, eredar(recolours mostly) and lightforged to my draenei male rig :D

Luckily the succubus is on a blood elf female rig too, so there is even more potential for awesome swaps!

Im up for some swap ideas. So, keeping in mind the males shown above, and the succubus being on a blef female rig. Feel free to give me some ideas in the comment section beneath! The more ''lore accurate'' or easter egg'ish, the more likely I am to pick your idea! :D

Ideas im considering - 

Succubus ganbanged by eredar, wrathguards and dreadlords.

Alleria windrunner gangbanged by broken or lightforged. 

Lady Liadrin gangbanged by Draenei Paladins.

Sylvanas gangbanged by dreadlords.

 Shinfel Blightsworn gangbanged by wrathguards.




All good ideas. I like the Alleria and Liadrin ones the most personally


Cool ideas. The Alleria gangbanged by broken is especially appealing.


Can’t wait for Sylvanas and Shinfel one!


I'm really into the idea of the lightforged :)

Mr Funkay

The ideas all sound awesomeezzzz


Your Valeera needs some love too, Liard! Otherwise im really looking forward to those swaps :p


Shinfel Blightsworn gangbanged by wrathguards.


The models are awesome! Great job Liard.


Alleria Windrunner would be great to see. Valeera Sanguinar would be great with a dreadlord (or anything else! ;)) lore-wise because she had the mark of Kathra'Natir cast on her in the canon lore.


Put my vote for Shinfel and the wrathguards.