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Im really close to finishing it, but there is no way ill manage to have it posted within 1 hour, as i havent gotten to rendering it yet. However, I will send 1 private message to all of you, to ensure everyone, including patrons who no longer intend to pledge, can view it. (there is no way to differentiate leaving, and staying patrons, so I have to mesage you all.)

Also, to new patreons, sorry but this month has been really slow for me, as I was on a holiday for 2 weeks, then i used 2 days to get my new pet, and ive had to spend extra hours daily, to make sure she feels at home.

Then, I used much longer on the belf rig then I had anticipated. (6 days+) Luckily now I have rigs for the 3 most used and popular female races on my patreon, so I will have much more time animating next month. 

My current catch up list is -

- August giveaway animation

- august giveaway image

- Render and fix swaps for august straight animation

- Fix background, then render July giveaway animation.  (already animated)

Once im finished with these, im mostly back on track, to create new content, and keep working on my video.



Its cool man,i loved your work for quite some time now,was a no brainer to become a patreon,did you get a cat or dog btw? :)


Went for a hybrid between the two :D Got myself a baby ferret /o/


How's the ferret btw? <3


good good, really close to no longer biting, so im a proud daddy (Y)


Ferrets are awesome man! They're loving and incredibly intelligent.


Smart idd.Shes not been here for long, but she has already learnt tons from her failures, (how to properly climb furniture, or manage to sneak out of my bedroom door. ) Shes also quickly responded to nip training. Shes by far one of the most fun animals ive had =)


Haha yeah, they love to sleep on feet too. Mine personally loves playing with plastic bags, and monkey dishes of whipped cream are his favorite treat. If they ever get pancreatic tumors as they get older (which is sadly common in their old age) excess sugar helps counteract this. I know it from experience, and it probably even extended the lifespan of my previous ferret by a year or so.

Felix Drake

Keep up the amazing work, there's no rush at all! Enjoy the time with the ferret!


Unfortunately have to rush a bit hehe, but I am spending plenty time with her, just tryint to work a bit faster to make up for it =)


If only my ferret slept on my feet instead of nipping them :D She doesntbite my fingers anymore, but she really loves my feet, no matter how much i tell her no. But im sure itll get better with time.