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I must say that I don't understand this "lore friendly" obsession Liard. It's pointless and retrict choices. Especially in a "Human male + Blood elf female" scenario wich is very specific. The only choice you left us is basically Alleria & Turalyon, that's all, lol. I hope it's just me rambling for nothing and we will not spiraling under "lore friendly" and "rape" scenario ad vitam nauseam. That would be boring as... well... fuck. Anyway, sorry for the rant and the concern lol.


Lore friendly means more that they are characters that have met, or could plasubly meet. Since this is porn, it will never be 100% lore friendly, but I think it is a lot nicer to view content like jaina fucked by varian, then jaina being fucked by forexample balnazars human form etc. I added the a description section, for people to convince me their ship is a good one though, so I will look at all ideas.


I suppose I probably should have written out a description of my suggestion, but better late than never, right? (Lich King x Sylvanas Windrunner, before death and undeath) Arthas could have arguably had his was with her before enslaving her soul, he had her dead to rights. It's not too far fetched for the lore if you read her back story, " He desecrated her spirit, corrupting her body and soul" could be taken in more than one way ;p


I saw that suggestion, it instantly went onto my swap list hehe. They did meet several times during lore, so it is odd I forgot about them. Same goes for turalyon and Alleria.


awe i was so caught up on the suggestion part i forgot to vote the pose


why all of you vote Deathwing. Dragon whore belongs to Dragonmaw clan


The more Windrunner sisters the better!