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Im going on a holiday on friday until the 18th. Therefeore there will be less poll animations this month due to this. (most likely cutting barbrawl and lesbian animation. Keeping the straight one.)

Update -

There will most likely be less animations during august. I would have told you guys earlier, but I just found out yesterday that I will be going on a holiday (family holiday) for about 14 days from this friday on. (Holiday will end around the 18th)

So I will have a really busy month after that, as I still havent finished julys giveaway animations. I cant really animate while im on my holiday, but I will bring my laptop, to try render alternative versions of old animations, or at least start working on julys giveaways if I get time. (mostly posing the scenes)

So for august, I will cut down on 1-2 animations. Im considering cutting out this months barbrawl, and the lesbian animation, as the straight poll is the most popular one. I will also do this months giveaways, which means there will be at least 2 animations this month and an image. + more alternative versions from earlier months animations. (Poll should be up within a few days.)

I was also going to put together a short preview of the lesbian video im working on a month ago, but I never got the time to do that. I will try to get that done this month though. unfortunately there will be no sound, as I am doing sound editing once the full video is done, and not before.



sometimes ya gotta take a break dude. go forth and rest ya brain cells =). go has fun and relax yeah =D ''pet pet'' hehe


Yeah, you shouldn't be working at all during vacacions dude, you will stress yourself out. You should take a real break.


Rest up, everyone needs a break.