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Now, I am quite open about my content being posted, however, please dont post exclusive patreon content.

Why am i telling you guys this? because someone is sharing my content on rule 34. my exclusive content specifically. Said person has not uploaded anything that is not exclusive, which tells me that they are just being a dick.

Why do I care? I care because I spend 6+ hours every day including weekends, working on my content, and trying to grow my patreon to be able to post as much content as possible, but I obviously cant spend all of my month without getting any money to sustain myself. So by sharing my exclusive content, you are denying me growth, and making sure that I will have to give up on smut and patreon eventually.  

I fully support people downloading my exclusive content and keeping it private on their computer, and then unpledging if they want to, but please dont share it online on sites like rule34 etc! By doing this you are just making sure that you will loose another content creator with time, just to be able to play a ''saviour'' for a short amount of time. 



File a DMCA claim with rule34's hosting service. I doubt Rast will care if you file one against him/her.


I wrote an email to the site owner asking them to take down the files, so hopefully they will take them down. If that doesnt work, I guess that is an option :) Im not sure who Rast is though


I'm glad it's already been mentioned here, but contacting the website, they should be pretty helpful. In fact, if it's possible to obtain the information (not sure if IP information is something they and patreon can give out) you could figure out which of your patrons did it.


Liard, these sites are populated by bots I believe. I have litterally seen your content on these sites within minutes of being made public. It isn't just your content it is alot of other people as well.


I doubt a bot has uploaded my content there, as the bot would have to be my patron, but I know others content is uploaded there too. Like mentioned above, I dont mind my content being posted anywhere, it isd patreon exclusives I dont want posted, and those can not be obtained by bots, unless whoever bots is my patron.


Man, people can be dicks, and I don't mean the good kind!


This really sucks. Seen a few of my exclusive patreon stuff being uploaded on twitter (as well as yours). Can't imagine all the exclusive stuff that's floating around on rule34 since I never visit it. Some people are just damn awful :/


I dont use twitter, but yeah. Its pretty sad that they feel the need to make the exclusives public. Unfortuantely there is not really much one can do about this either, other then take the blow.


Yeah man. folks have been doing the same to another creator i support too. it sucks ass =(