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So I was rendering yesterday when i went to bed, and when i woke up an hour ago or so. it turns out my computer only boots to blue screen, and it is unable to repair itself due to write protection on the disk. 

Ive tried a few options to clear readonly mode, but theyre not working, and I unfortunately cant start my computer to go into admin mode with cmd, as safe mode does not work either. If anyone have had this problem before, feel free to give me some tips :D So my computer is unable to automatically repair on startup, and writing chkdsk/r in cmd.exe just tells me the disk is write protected. 

Ill be calling tech tomorrow (its too late today unfortunately) and see if im able to fix it. if im not, I might have to send it in to repair, which means I wont be able to upload the animations ive made, nor do I have access to any of my files. If this si the case, im honestly really sorry, as I know you guys have paid me for this content, but I wont be able to do my work until I get my pc back. Im hoping this will be an easy fix though, we'll see.


Ive run more testing thanks to nutsthehandyman, and I havent gotten a single windows error. However I got one error when trying to restore my computer to an earlier point, and that error makes it seem like i most likely have problems with my ram sticks, one or both. If this is the case, there is a slim chance i can take out the one not working and keep working, while only sending in that 1 part. however, If both are defect, I have to send in the whole pc, which unfortunately usually takes a while . up to 3 weeks or longer. 



PC RIP (ಥ﹏ಥ)


Hey man, stuff like this is something you can't help or predict. This was completely out of your control and, while I can't speak for anyone else, I'm certainly not going to be upset over something like this. Do your best to get it fixed, but don't loose sleep over it. I'll still be here by the time this sorts itself out.


just get windows disk/boot usb and repair with it, or install over old version


Every animator run into a critical pc problem eventually. Another casualty of war I must say. Best of luck Liard. (And try an usb boot if you can)


Is there a high or low chance for files to be lost doing this?


If you don't format anything, you shouldn't lose any thing unrelated to windows by re-installing it.


might be able to help with your pc problem. do you see any error codes when booting?


usually at times like that i willi will tear it to pieces, plug everything back in (even the battery for the bios) then reinstall windows. i have zero patients for when compooters randomly screw up =) hehe


no, there is no error. been testing a few commands in cmd center, but the underlying problem seems to be my ram, which means chances are i will have to send it in :(


tested a few commands in cmd center, and it seems to be a ram problem :(


Im mostly afraid of loosing files like my goblin remake etc :( After a lot of testing though, the problem seems to be my ram, which means I probably wont lose any files hopefully.


One of RAM sticks might have busted. Try to take them all out, and attempt to boot with one stick at a time. Try to narrow down which one.


Have you also checked if your ram sticks are compatible with your motherboard? I believe you can check up on the manufacturer's website who build the motherboard. Also check up if your CPU is compatible with the ram sticks. I remember running 2400 hz sticks on a motherboard which only supported up to 1600hz max. Later on same issue with a new motherboard, thinking I had the correct ram sticks. This time also 2400hz but DDR4 instead of DDR3. Since the motherboard appeared to be compatible from 2133hz onwards. But came to find out later on that my processor only supported up to 2133hz max. In the beginning I didn't notice anything, but in time blue screens occurred more frequently. The problem with restoring to an earlier point could also be caused if the back-up contains old data from your motherboard with different ram sticks. That's what a friend told me once.


get a NAS to store all your files on~