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Emergence 2.11b

                                     – o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

"Inventory," Zeke huffed under his breath. The jacket, a recent addition to his wardrobe, responded to the command, dissolving from his wiry frame into an array of light specks that twinkled like a sprinkling of pixie dust before vanishing altogether. He silently frowned as he recalled how badly the sleeve and back had barely held on after a single hit from that Abbot guy.

Five minutes into his first mission with it and already, it was almost completely wrecked.

Not the best track record for a superhero uniform.

Yeah, doubt this thing’s gonna be something I can fix myself, he thought, trying to quell the disappointment. And there’s no way this thing’s gonna be fine on its own, self-healing or not.

The thing was a real gift, literally. Doctor Charles had sent it to him just the day before he made his splash on TV. The whole thing came wrapped up with a note and a cool five grand on a gift card, courtesy of his not-quite-voluntary tenure as a lab rat at S.T.A.R. Labs. The card simply read, “A little thank you.”

The jacket was no ordinary piece of clothing either. According to the Professor, it was a veritable work of textile wizardry just like the closet full of jumpsuits he had gotten from S.T.A.R before — an amalgamation of reinforced aerogel, shape-memory fabric, and then smothered with a coating of graphene.

In layman's terms, it was supposed to be stain-resistant, stink-resistant, and even boasted a degree of self-repair. On top of that, it was also supposed to be cut-resistant. Built for regular knives, but not so much if you found yourself up against werewolf claws. Yeah, those stinkin’ werewolves, always ruining everything, Zeke allowed himself a slight smile at the joke. Can’t even enjoy a full moon in piece anym-

His own inner joke interrupted, the sidekick let a quiet hiss slip from his lips, one that went unnoticed by his teammates from where they stood around the lobby of Happy Harbor High. His hand automatically cradled his elbow, the sharp twinges of pain reminding him of the raw wound underneath. He glanced at his arm, teeth clenched, the sensation of skin weaving itself back together nauseating but one he was growing used to. The bloody mess from the werewolf's swipe was slowly tidying itself up, stitches of flesh crisscrossing the open wound, reconstructing what was once whole.

Genesis had shrugged off Miss Martian and Aqualad's offers of bandages and first aid, choosing instead to let his body do its thing. It was a bit of a gamble, but he'd bet on the quick healing. After all, he’d cut his recovery time down a little thanks to a little snack he'd scarfed down like a maniac.

Crunchy Energy Granola Bar

Fuel your adventures with the Crunchy Energy Granola Bar. Packed with nutritious grains and dried fruits, this wholesome snack restores your health and provides a temporary boost to your endurance.

+ 5 to HP regen/m for 10 minutes

+ 2 to WP regen/m for 5 minutes


From the parent company BANG, Zesti-Cola is the classic competitor to Soder-Cola, more nutritious albeit with a slightly acidic taste to it.

+ 20 Willpower Capacity (Non-Stackable)

+ 10 Mana Capacity (Non-Stackable)

+ 5 Mana Regen/m for 5 Minutes

+ 10 Willpower Regen/m for 5 minutes

Just a minute had passed and already, he could see the subtle tick of his health bar climbing steadily upwards, its pace much faster than the last time he had been seriously hurt. Even still, Genesis couldn't resist craning his neck to watch the spectacle on the back of his arm. It was a gruesome sight, raw and bloody, a mess of threads of muscles knitting together, creating an intricate tapestry of sinewy tissue. His wound slowly shrank under the painstaking work of his accelerated healing.

I never want to see that again, he thought, even as he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight of it.

"New priority."

Zeke's focus was yanked away from his arm at the sound of Aqualad's commanding voice. A quick blink of his eyes, and his gaze shifted to the gathered team, their figures silhouetted against the harsh neon glow seeping in through the high school's front doors.

Aqualad looked past them, stoic gaze fixed on Doctor Rocquette.

The woman in question was leaning against a row of battered lockers, her usual fiery expression masked by a sheen of sweat. A tremor ran through her hands, a telltale sign that the tough exterior she wore was starting to crack.

“Rescan for that Fog. Find it." Aqualad's voice cut through the post-battle silence. Zeke could tell the private strategy session with Superboy and Robin had reached a conclusion.

His gaze focusing back on the team, his eyes hardened for a moment as his orders rang out in the stillness, “The enemy knows our location and strategy. We’re moving the doctor. Now.”

                                        – o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

In no time at all, the team had found a new location to hole up the not-so-good doctor in, Rocquette still taking time to let each and every one of them know how unhappy she was with all this. For once he was glad to be outside the building, free from her snide comments about the sub-par equipment. Honestly, her voice was like sandpaper to his ears and he couldn’t help but wonder how anybody could listen to it by choice.

"Man, I wonder if she whined this much when the League of Shadows had her," Zeke grumbled under his breath, his frame nestled amongst the shrubbery on the opposite side of the street. “I doubt Ra’s would be too happy with that.” The darkness of the night was thick, even with the streetlights helping out, and the young sidekick found himself squinting, barely able to distinguish any sign of approaching people in the surrounding gloom. He ran his fingers through the blades of grass beneath him, pulling little pieces up in his boredom and rolling them between his fingers.

"Aqualad, what's your take?" Zeke called out, wondering if the Atlantean could actually make a joke.

Aqualad, however, remained as silent as the grave, his gaze locked onto the building like a lion observing its prey. Zeke couldn't help but appreciate the unwavering focus, it was comforting in a strange sort of way. Aqualad was certainly a more reliable partner than Artemis or Kid Flash, he mused.

Artemis? She’s greener than me and she has a bow. He let out a mental scoff at the thought of that. Thanks but no thanks.

Miss Martian, though? She has a bunch of powers but no experience.

Ideally, he’d rather be fighting right beside Superboy but if he needed to rank them, Aqualad was a good-enough second place, and Robin was right behind him. Yeah, Superboy would have been ideal, but Kaldur’s pretty okay too, I guess.

Caught off guard by the pregnant silence, Zeke pushed his goggles up, sneaking a side-glance at the older boy. Like usual, Kaldur’ahm looked intense, oddly focused as his eyes remained fiercely locked onto the building across the street. If he looked any harder, Zeke wouldn’t be surprised if he spontaneously developed heat vision.

And then, out of the blue, Aqualad’s voice echoed inside his skull. [Both of you! Stop it!] Zeke's eyebrows shot up, his eyes darting around, mind whirling in bewilderment. But then, the collective mental squawks of Artemis and Kid Flash filled the telepathic link.


As Aqualad’s eyes narrowed, Zeke couldn't help but smirk. Someone’s in trouble.

Aqualad responded like the younger boy would expect him to, sounding just like a teacher on his very last nerve. [I can feel you glaring.]

Wait, what? He can feel that? Zeke frowned, caught in a whirl of thoughts. Can he feel emotions through this weird brain link?

And then, it hit him. Hang on, I’ve felt that too. Not thoughts exactly, but… vibes? I’ve definitely felt emotions and pressure. Why not even more general feelings?

+ 1 INT

Zeke blinked again. Oh… nice.

Just as Zeke was about to share his revelation, Aqualad’s voice cut through his thoughts.

"Miss Martian," he called out, his voice resonating through the stillness of the night. Aqualad stepped back into the concealing shadows, Zeke following suit, heart pounding with anticipation. "Stay in camouflage mode and make a wide perimeter sweep."

Zeke blinked, his mind racing, as he digested Aqualad's order. Right. The next step of the plan. Cool. His heart pounded in his chest, matching the thrum of excitement that pulsed through the telepathic link.

This was it. The stakes were high, the night was dark, and there was a mission to accomplish. Alright, Zeke, let's do this.

Zeke was alert, adrenaline buzzing under his skin, and it was that hyperawareness that caught the rustling behind Aqualad. His heart pounded an erratic rhythm in his chest, amplifying the almost inaudible sound. He turned his head, his gaze locking onto a shape stirring in the dense foliage above the Atlantean.


Reflexes Lvl Up!


The single word tore out of Zeke's throat as he lunged, barreling into Aqualad. As they hit the ground, the space they had vacated was consumed by a viscous red substance, web-like and alarming. The shockwave of the impact against Kaldur’s dense form radiated through Zeke's body, stunning him as he tried to blink the daze from his eyes.

Aqualad recovered like a cat, rolling out of Zeke's grasp and back to his feet, quick and nimble. Zeke, however, couldn't quite manage the same feat. He kept rolling, caught in the physics of his reckless lunge, only stopping when he crashed into a tree. His back throbbed with the impact, a bitter taste of pain and grass staining his tongue.

Groaning, he squinted through the dizziness to see Aqualad, water bearers in hand, water surging to life from his pack. It hardened under Aqualad’s focused gaze, transforming into the formidable shape of twin hammers. Well, that's one way to bring the fight to the table.

Zeke watched with wide eyes as Aqualad sprang into action with an agility and fluidity that mirrored his affinity for water. Twin hammers of hardened liquid held tight in his grip, the Atlantean engaged the surprise attacker.

Kaldur swung the left hammer in a tight arc, trying to catch the opponent in the ribs. The villain didn’t waste time dodging with a swift side-step that left him nearly a purple blur. The assassin retaliated, driving a punch towards Aqualad's face that the Atlantean blocked with a single hammer, creating a swift splash. At the same time, the other weapon came around in a punishing strike aimed at the villain's midsection.

The impact was deflected as the spandex-clad menace pivoted, contorting his body in an inhuman twist. A ripple of red shot out, one that Aqualad narrowly avoided, trained footwork and swift reflexes saving him.

But the Atlantean didn’t waste any time of his own. He swung both hammers in unison, water whirling around in a mini maelstrom, targeted at his attacker.

Yet, the villain was quick, almost too quick. The villain launched himself upwards, grabbing onto a tree branch above him with his sticky strands, using it to flip over Aqualad's fierce torrent. He swung back around, feet first, his trajectory aimed straight at Aqualad's face.

Aqualad tried — and failed — to block, too slow this time.

The impact was brutal, and Zeke winced as both boots struck home.

The blow was like a battering ram, and it sent Aqualad spiraling through the air, his body finally crashing onto the unforgiving asphalt. His water bearers fell beside him, the hammers splashing to nothing without Kaldur’s conscious hold over them.

"Aqualad!" Zeke's voice echoed through the still night, his hands lighting up with raw energy. The figure —a man in a purple-and-black spandex costume with a spider emblem— swiveled around, his movements as precise and deadly as a hunting spider.

"Mana Impact!" Zeke roared. The words tore through the air as a cone of blue light burst forth from his palms, colliding with the spider-man and sending the villain hurtling through the air.

"Yes!" Zeke exhaled a breath he hadn't known he was holding, the exhilaration of the successful attack resonating through him. But victory was short-lived, as two strands of the strange red fluid flew towards him, the villain already having flipped in mid-air and recovered.

"Damn it!" Zeke sidestepped, his heart pounding in his chest as the fluid hit a tree behind him. The villain yanked on the strands, uprooting the tree and swinging it towards Zeke.

Zeke barely evaded the makeshift weapon, his body hitting the ground with a grunt. He shot the villain a defiant smirk. “Missed me!”

The villain landed in a perfect crouch, shooting back, “Wasn’t aiming for ya, kid.”

The voice was eerily familiar, but before Zeke could process it, another voice whispered in his ear, sending a chill down his spine. “I was.”

The world tilted on its axis as a foot crashed into the same spine, sending him tumbling head over heels onto the asphalt. Pain ricocheted through his body as he groaned, raising his head just in time to see Aqualad springing back into action.





The rush of hope lasted mere seconds.

Zeke watched in disbelief as the monstrous hook on a chain launched out of nowhere and latched itself around Aqualad’s neck. Kaldur’s breath hitched, trapped in his throat, as he was suddenly hoisted off his feet and tossed into a van with a jarring, bone-shaking slam. The sound resonated in the younger boy’s eardrums like a tolling bell, echoing the metal buckled under the Atlantean’s dense body in a sickening symphony of destruction.

Before Kaldur could regain his bearings, a burly figure with wild white hair bulldozed into his field of vision. With a massive, gleaming hook replacing one hand, he looked like someone had made a pirate hit the gym and juiced them up with as many steroids the human body could reasonably handle at the same time. The sheer weight of his monstrous fist connecting with the back of Aqualad's head made Zeke cringe as the blond crumpled onto the unforgiving asphalt beside him, unconscious and disturbingly still.

Panic gripped Genesis as his heart pounded hard and fast against his ribs, only to fade away an instant later to a slow calm rhythm.

[Paralyzing Fear] negated by Gamer's Mind.

His fear was replaced by a clinical detachment, the pulsing sting of his bruises and scrapes receding to a dull throb. A surge of energy propelled him to all fours and he began to rise to his feet to fight on his own. Alright Zeke, let's do this.

A foot on his back said otherwise, slamming him back down to the ground with a groan.

"Atlantean's out," a silky voice purred, the woman's heel digging into his spine. “Martian could be back any second, and I’m not keen on evening the odds,” the woman spoke aloud to the gathered men standing above Zeke. "We end Roquette now.”

“Such a shame,” the spider-guy responded, something about his voice making Zeke's mind click into action. “I love blondes.”

Zeke frowns, something about him sounding familiar as he hears the voice again. He uses a silent Observe on the man, the use of the power bringing a familiar cool rush to his eyes and brain.

Observed: Black Spider

Black Spider (Eric Needham) Lv 35

Web of Shadows

Despite having powers for barely over a year, Eric here’s already decided to go right to murder.You know how a certain hero has a saying about great power and great responsibility, right? Well, this one never got that memo.

I’m fighting evil Spider-MAN???

Observe Lvl Up!


He'd barely finished reacting to this new information when Black Spider's gaze fell on him, his voice oozing mockery as they locked eyes. “What about Little Boy Blue over here?” He stepped forward, lifting the boy’s chin with his foot. “He’s not all that tough but he hits hard enough.”

The woman's next words, however, sent icy tendrils of fear snaking down Zeke's spine. “The wolf wants this one personally. Says this’ll be his private hunt.” In a flash, she was on the move, followed closely by the hook-handed behemoth and Black Spider, who sprang into the air with a boisterous whoop.

As they retreated, Zeke scrambled to his feet, ready to aid Aqualad. He froze as the assassin's words suddenly resonated in his mind, drawing up images of a terrifying hunt. The wolf? A guttural howl sliced through the night air, chilling Zeke's blood. He spun around, locating the source of the haunting sound standing at the end of the street.

The figure was tall and excessively muscular, clad in thick carpet-like gray fur, a monstrous visage atop a frame that was already at least six feet tall hunched over as it was and still… growing!

"Boy," he growled, voice rough and intimidating. "Run fast. Longer it takes me to track you down, better chance you have of living."

Zeke's heart began to pound again. "This isn't fair," he muttered, fear and defiance warring within him. “I’m literally thirteen.” Glancing down at his unconscious teammate, Genesis gave a frustrated groan that transformed into a strangled scream of frustration halfway.

A heavy sigh left his mouth as he let his head swivel back down to the sprawled form of his team leader. The predatory focus in the eyes of the monstrous werewolf bore into him like a drill, not in the slightest bit interested in his passed out teammate. Well, I guess that's good for Kaldur, at least. He muttered inwardly, every ounce of him cringing at the idea of what he had to do next. “Sorry, Kaldur,” he breathed out, voice barely more than a whisper, “I gotta run.”

Then, he bolted.

The world became a blur of colors as he jetted off, powered by the fear for his life. He didn’t have to glance over his shoulder to know the werewolf was in hot pursuit. The earth-shaking thuds behind him were more than enough to tell him that.

He felt a surge of warmth wrap his body in a radiant golden glow as he called on his new skill. It was an invigorating sensation that pumped adrenaline through his veins, filling him with a new energy and focus as he focused on a singular goal.

Running. Just running.

Life on the line, and Power Boost was the lifeline.

Power Boost Lv 1

Your very own Golden Super Mode.

STR value/knockback of physical strikes and jumping height/length as well as SPD value of running all increase by 5% per level. (105%)

Cost: 2.5 Will/s (at full potential)

This was the result of a week of grueling training, maxing out and losing three previous skills in the process. Worth it, he mused. Don't fail me now, Power Boost.

This skill was the epitome of efficiency, combining the benefits of all three former skills into one super-powered package. The only drawback was a fair increase in energy consumption that he had more control over than the old skills allowed him, anyway.

Can’t have it all. The rush of power coursing through him was a tantalizing feeling that overshadowed any minor inconvenience of energy drain. He had no regrets.

Unfortunately, despite not regretting that, there was still plenty to regret in his opinion.

Like the massive, snarling beast hell-bent on using him like a chew toy.

"STOP! RUNNING!" The werewolf’s primal growls punctuated the silent night, demanding him to halt and face it. “FIGHT! ME! BOY!” The words were more animalistic snarls than any form of comprehensible language, yet they resonated fear in Zeke.

“What???” Zeke screams back, darting across a park and leaping over a series of bushes as he keeps pumping his limbs for all they were worth. He weaved through a small wooded area, hurtling over the hedges. His limbs moved with a frantic energy, every muscle coiling and uncoiling with as much force as he could push them with. "Forget it! No can do! I'm more of a blaster than a scrapper!"

He pumped the skill to full capacity, pushing far past the twenty-five percent he had been going with and blazing forward with the full 105. The world contracted around him as he catapulted himself away from the pursuing werewolf.

However, his momentary relief was shattered when a thunderous growl beside him. Zeke’s head snapped to the side, his eyes widening as he saw the wolf shift its body into a more predatory stance, running on all fours and twice as fast as before. That’s just not f- A row of sharp teeth gnashed at him, threatening to snap him in half.

Ignoring the instinctual surge of terror, he mustered his strength, flaring up his Power Boost as far as it could go once more.

“Bite this!” He roared back defiantly, ducking another attempted bite and throwing a punch that slammed into the underside of the wolf’s jaw with enough force to dent a car. The beast stumbled back, momentarily disoriented as the impact visibly dislocated its jaw, only for it to snap back into place, unnaturally and almost instantaneously. The monstrous creature shook off the damage and continued its relentless pursuit, a snarl plastered across its feral face.

Power Boost Lvl Up!


Zeke could practically feel the hot breath of the werewolf on his neck as he zigzagged across the desolate streets of Happy Harbor. Zeke, powered by raw adrenaline and the golden aura of his Power Boost, sprinted for his life. The night was eerily silent, save for the guttural growls of the werewolf and the frantic pounding of his own heartbeat echoing in his ears. Abbot’s presence cast a monstrous shadow that loomed over him, the assassin’s relentless pursuit making his heart beat even faster than any simple exercise.

He vaulted over an abandoned car, his body glowing against the stark silver of the vehicle. He jumped and twisted, his small frame maneuvering easily in the tight spaces. He ran up inclined hoods and leapt onto rooftops of shorter structures, his nimble feet barely making a sound as they struck back down on the ground. Landing smoothly on the asphalt, he pushed off again with an explosive force, launching himself onto the roof of yet another building. Every jump, every twist and turn he took, each step was fueled by the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Acrobatics Lvl Up!


Streetlamps flickered erratically, casting long, ominous shadows that appeared to dance in his eyes as he blurred past them. The mundane appeared intimidating under the werewolf's pursuit, each structure casting an ominous silhouette in the moonlight.

Gotta keep moving, gotta keep moving… he repeated in his head like a chant, pushing his legs to maintain the blistering pace. Wait…. Why can’t I hear him anymore?

The thudding sounds of Abbott's giant paws chasing after him had vanished into thin air, leaving Zeke's heart beating in his ears, drumming out a rhythm of dread and confusion. His sneakers skid on the gravelly road as he stopped abruptly, eyes zipping around like a pinball, his breath ragged and uneven.

Did Hairy-McScary just take a coffee break or what? He thought to himself, his mind jumbling up with more questions. The silence was as unnerving as waiting for a jump scare in a horror movie.

Then, it came, turning his thoughts into reality.

A gray lupine form shot out from the pitch-black alley like a horror-show jack-in-the-box, sending Zeke’s heart pounding again

He barely had time to register the surprise before a set of claws raked across his back. A hot streak of agony scorched his nerves, and his legs buckled underneath him, sending him crashing onto the hard asphalt. His back felt like it was on fire, a deep, gut-wrenching pain that made him grit his teeth so hard he thought they might shatter.





Resistance: Slashing Lvl Up!


While he was laying there, tasting gravel and grimacing, he saw Abbott getting closer, a much less intimidating version this time. This wolf-form was closer to the size of an average wolf and less like a nightmare version of a horse.

His eyes popped open as Abbott stood up, bones cracking and muscles shifting until he looked less like a wolf and more like a man in a yeti costume. Abbott's furry face had a round, human-like shape that gave him the appearance of a shaggy, albino bigfoot. That'd be kinda funny, y’know if I wasn’t bleeding everywhere, Zeke thought, wincing as his back screamed in protest.

Abbott laughed, a sound that seemed like rocks grinding together, sending shivers down Zeke's spine.

Before he could even think about what to do next, a hand clamped around his face, lifting him up from the ground and smashing him into the nearest wall, hard enough he felt the brick crumble and his skull creak.



Resistance: Blunt Force Lvl Up!


Concussion - Mild

- 5% INT

- 10% WIS

- 10% Reflexes

- 5% Accuracy: Ranged

Recovery: 1 Hour

Most of all, his back protested with a jolt of fresh pain, and he let out a slight, gasping, "...ow."

"You're good prey," Abbott said, a weird kind of chuckle in his voice. "You'd have kept me running after you forever in battle form. Had to go full Lupus just to sneak up on you."

"Lupus?" Zeke echoed, wondering if that was supposed to make sense.

"Think of it as me going regular wolf-mode," Abbott clarified.

"And what's this one?" Zeke asked, trying to buy time, while his mind worked on an escape plan.

"I hear the Lycan tribes call this a Glabro, your classic cinema wolf-man,” Kyle laughed again, grinning wide. “Not that I would really know about the tr-"

His sentence got cut off by a scream as Zeke drove his golden glowing leg into Abbott's furry shin. A loud crack split the night, and Abbott's hand loosened.

“That’s what you get for monologuing!” Zeke was on his feet in a flash, shooting off into the darkness as he heard Abbott growling behind him. Abbott was changing back into his monster form, but Zeke knew he had bought himself some time.

And with these… he called up mana into his palms, I can buy myself even more.

As he sprinted through the labyrinth of buildings and cars, he hurled Mana Bursts behind him, glowing orbs of raw energy that rippled through the air towards the werewolf. The beast, however, maneuvered with an uncanny agility, dodging the brunt of the attacks while keeping its bloodshot gaze locked onto Zeke.

A sudden movement from the corner of his eye had Zeke twisting his head, just in time to see the werewolf swinging a large mailbox towards him.

Son of a-! He dropped to the ground, rolling under the flying metal object in a hasty somersault. The momentum carried him forward and over a parked car, his heart hammering against his ribs as he narrowly escaped a deadly claw swipe from the werewolf’s massive paw. The force of the strike was so immense that it tore off the car door, sending it flying into the night.

"What the f-!" He yelped, a tinge of panic seeping into his tone. The sight of the disemboweled car door — that could have been me! — fueled his determination. Small claws were bad enough, those would rip my spine out easy! He burst off running again, throwing fearful glances over his shoulder at the monster that was hot on his trail.

Two empty blocks of the city passed in a blur, every corner turned and every hurdle jumped adding to the distance between him and the wolf. He ran in circles, doubling back and leaping into the air to avoid Abbot’s attempts at making him a later dinner. At the same time, he peppered the beast with blue Mana Bolts, the energy projectiles lighting up the night as they shot through the air from his open palms.

A few found their mark, taking out the wolf’s eyes, leaving it momentarily disoriented. A lucky shot managed to land in its gaping maw just as it was about to roar, cutting off the guttural sound abruptly. Zeke's heart pounded with a mix of terror and triumph, every successful hit pushing him further.

Mana Burst Lv Up!


Even as he ran, throwing blasts wildly behind him as he did so, his eyes darted back and forth across the streets, searching for an escape, an advantage, something he could use right now. High ground! High ground! His inner voice screamed. His eyes snapped from building to building until-Yes!

Happy Harbor High.

Zeke burst forward in a flare of yellow and hunched low, feeling the familiar warmth of his power pulsate through his veins. It buzzed beneath his skin like a comforting electric current, sparking an excited shiver that ran down his spine. He uncoiled, and his body surged upwards, driven by a force more potent than mere muscle power. Soaring skyward, he cleared three stories in a single bound. Instead of a quiet cheer as he landed atop the roof of the school, a grunt tore itself from his throat as his body met the cold, harsh surface of the building.

Harder than anticipated.

Far harder.

  • 5

Zeke's boots skidded on the narrow windowsill just beneath his feet, rubber soles finding an unsteady foothold. With a grunt, he launched himself from the thin ledge, using it as a springboard for his next daring leap. The world around him was a blur as he shot upwards, higher and higher still until he reached the top.

As the peak of the roof neared, his eyes widened again. No! His body arched as he struggled to propel himself upwards, his fingers reaching out in a desperate grab for safety. He barely managed to crest the edge, only the upper half of his body making it over.

"No way," he gasped out as his stomach hit the edge of the roof, heart pounding in sync with his racing thoughts. You gotta be kidding me.

His gloved hands scrabbled against the rooftop's rough edge, bare fingertips dragging over the coarse gravel. Fear clenched in his gut, his heart pounding like a drummer on overdrive. He was sliding, his body slipping backwards.

"Nononononon—" The single word was a panicked chant, echoing his mounting fear.

His legs flailed, seeking purchase as they scrambled against the wall. He could hear the wolf howling behind him getting closer and closer even with only one eye available to hunt for him. His grip tightened, clenching until his knuckles threatened to whiten.

With another grunt, he summoned his strength and hauled himself over the edge. His body hit the rooftop, the hard surface something he never though he’d be thankful for.

He lay there for a moment, his chest heaving, adrenaline singing in his veins. He'd made it. Just barely, but he'd made it.

"God, why can’t we start out with muggers and bank robbers?" he muttered, a half-laugh escaping his lips as he realized he wished they were back on Santa Prisca. "I miss when it was just buff bad guys with guns."

Moments later, Genesis rose, dusting gravel off his jumpsuit. His hands trembled slightly, his breath uneven — not from the effort, but from the fear still in his system. "Note to self," he muttered to himself, a sigh of relief leaving him, "Take lessons on parkour or someth-."

He bit his tongue as Abbot, back on two legs again, crashed onto the rooftop a few meters away from him as he landed from a powerful leap. Throwing his head back, the werewolf howled into the starry night sky.

The familiar pulse of mana rushed to his palms, the energy ready and waiting. Two simple words on his tongue, he drew deep on his reserves and threw out his palms. “Mana Impact!”

Twin cones of vivid blue energy erupted, a spectacular light show that hit the werewolf square in the face.

It home and it hard, the sound of cracking bone audible over everything else to Zeke’s ears.

It sounded beautiful.

The beast whimpered, throwing its head backward as it howled again, this time out of pain.

Got him! Without losing rhythm, Zeke lunged forward, his hands again pulsating with raw Mana energy. The vibrant blue blasts pierced the night air, each one crashing into the werewolf with a force that sent it sliding back, claws unable to keep him still. The werewolf, still grappling with the first heavy hit, was defenseless against the barrage.

Mana Impact Lvl Up!


Pivoting his strategy, Zeke rerouted his Mana, focusing the energy into his fists rather than his open palms. His punches flew, a blur of speed and raw power, each blast landing with enough force to crumple metal. Each direct hit sent the werewolf lurching back, inching ever closer to the edge of the rooftop.

“Mana!” With a shout, Zeke called upon his energy, the yellow glow fighting with dominance against the blue as he spread his mana all across his body. Something big, he thought, his mind oddly focused. Something strong! “Charge!”

Launching himself forward in a blur of motion, he released the energy of the mana as his shoulder struck the werewolf in the midsection. It hit like a wrecking ball — physical force and mana combined — Abbot flying clear off the roof with a pained howl.

Skill Created!

Mana Charge Lv 1

Mana Charge Lvl Up!


Mana Manipulation Lvl Up!


Abbot hit the ground hard, a feral cannonball slamming into a parked car with a brutal, bone-jarring impact. The force of his landing was enough to send him straight through the ceiling of the car, crumpling the entire vehicle under his bulk. Zeke watched from his vantage point on the rooftop, a grin spreading across his face. Score one for the rookie.

Moments later, Zeke leapt from the building, landing with a grunt as his aching back protested the move.




His eyes instantly locked onto Abbot, the man’s lupine form contorted awkwardly within the wreckage, shards of metal impaling his monstrous body, pinning him inside the crumpled car. The sound of his snarls and roars of frustration echoed through the quiet street.

Zeke stood a few feet away, his gaze trained on the trapped beast. Despite the blood and the brutal wounds, he could already see signs of healing. Abbot’s skull, previously shattered, was visibly reforming, the fragmented bone knitting itself back together. Even the other wounds across his body were fading, the torn flesh slowly regenerating.

"Damn it," Zeke muttered, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. "If he's gonna pull a Wolverine, I guess it’s time for me to level up." Metaphorically and literally.

Taking a few steps back, Zeke shifted into a familiar stance, his palms facing each other at his side. He closed his eyes, focusing on the pool of blue light inside of him. When he opened them again, his hands were enveloped in an ethereal blue light, the air around them shimmering with power. As the energy began to build and condense between his palms, flecks of white appeared amid the blue, bubbling in the negative space.

With a roar that echoed Abbott's own, Zeke thrust his palms outwards towards the trapped werewolf. A brilliant sphere of energy erupted from his hands, a blazing basketball-sized orb that hurtled towards the car.

"HADOKEEEN!" Zeke yelled, his voice merging with the thunderous explosion as his energy blast made contact with the car. The blast was intense, a searing wave of heat that sent shards of metal and debris flying in all directions. He instinctively raised his hands to shield his face even as his goggles allowed him to stare directly into it.

Moments later as the blast gave way to a steady fire, Zeke could make out Abbot's now near-human form, unconscious and badly wounded within the wreckage of the car, healing just as fast as the fire could cook him. Wow, this guy is built Ford tough.


  • 20000 XP
  • Smoke Pellet x5
  • Torn Camouflage Cloth
  • Worn Out Gloves

… Not that tough, then. Wait… Zeke’s eyes widened an instant later at the sudden rush of XP, suddenly realizing just how much that was.


Mission Success!

Hound of Hell


Survive Kyle Abbot [✔]


  • 5000 XP
  • Increased rep with Batman

Bonus Objective(s):

Defeat Kyle Abbott [✔]

Bonus Reward(s):

  • 15000 XP
  • Perk: Regenerator
  • Ring of the Demon's Hand
  • Shadows' Footsteps Manual

Perks Gained!

Regenerator I

Don't worry, it'll grow back… eventually.

Regrow lost body parts at a rate 1/25th your normal healing speed.


Level Up x3

Lvl 12 → 15

You are now Level 15.

+ 9 Stat Points

Holy shit. Zeke’s eyes went to the still smoking and groaning body of Kyle Abbot as he felt the sudden rush that was his newly raised stats. How strong was this guy?

After staring for a moment longer, Genesis shook his head and let out a slight laugh under his breath. Who cares? I took down a werewolf! He began to trudge back across the street, his energy slightly depleted but his spirits high. Can’t even see his level and I won, he thought to himself, a small grin spreading across his face as he glanced from side to side, an attempt to gather his bearings and find his way to the rest of his team.

Team? Aqualad! His eyes widened as he realized he had left an unconscious Kaldur and the rest of his team as he ran for his life. He immediately began running back to the shore, his body glowing a bright gold as he pushed one of his newest skills to its maximum.

[Aqualad! Guys!] His mind blared out, desperate and urgent.

[Genesis!] The response he received was immediate and laced with strain as Aqualad's voice rebounded within his mind. [Where have you been?]

[Assassin wanted to eat me!]

[What?] A new voice interrupted their mental exchange, his mental voice incredulous. [Is that one of those innuendos?]

[No! Gross, dude!] Zeke shot back, mentally pulling a face at the speedster's comment. He vaulted over a car in his path as he burst out of a side alley, the momentum carrying him forward. [I’ll explain later!]

Barely two minutes later, Zeke was skidding to a halt on the corner nearest the seaside internet cafe they had holed up the real Rocquette in, his eyes scanning the chaos. Artemis was locked in a tense standoff with a masked ninja, the twang of the archer's bowstring filling the air as she loosed trick arrow after trick arrow, only for them to be effortlessly slashed apart by the ninja's wickedly sharp sai.

“Bet you run out of arrows before I run out of blade, sis,” the masked woman taunted, her voice still so smooth, “Not unless you plan on breaking out the pointy ones.”

"Maybe I will!" Artemis spat back, her voice defiant.

Sister? Zeke’s mind spun as he instinctively activated his Observe, eyes widening as he sped through the info:

Cheshire (Jade Nguyen-Crock) Lv 26

Killer Smile

Sister of Artemis and daughter of Sportsmaster, this is one kitty cat you don't want to cross, unless your idea of fun is a swift and stealthy death.

Rather than freeze, Genesis sprinted forward. He raised one hand as he charged, a Mana Burst prepared in his palm. Shoot first. Ask later.

Blue energy erupted from his palm, the blast hurtling towards the unsuspecting Cheshire.

In a flurry of movement that left him blink-confused, Cheshire spun on her heel and deflected his attack with her sai. The bolt was dispersed, and in the same heartbeat, she sprung backward, nimble as the cat she was named after.

All of it in one single, stunning blur of motion.

  • 76

The moment froze as Zeke was knocked back to the ground, a hard force sending him off his feet. His vision blurred for a second as an acute sting lanced through his body. But it was only a half-second of surprise before his eyes snapped open to see an arrow lodged deep in his shoulder and Artemis crouched over him, panic running wild in her eyes.

Even worse, Cheshire had vanished into thin air the instant he closed his eyes. Oh, great.

Resistance: Piercing Lv Up!


A half-second later, all he could think was, Jesus, these are good arrows.

Shaking off the pain, Zeke’s attention swerved from the arrow in his shoulder to a babbling Artemis, the sidekick simply rolling his eyes at her freakout. “Breathe, okay. I’ve honestly had worse. Tonight, even.” Gritting his teeth, Genesis yanked the arrow free, a long groan leaving him as the arrow’s head tore it’s way out. Really good arrows.

  • 11

With only a wince and a sight, he handed the blood-coated weapon back to the shocked blonde.

“So… sisters, huh?” The words slipped from his lips before he could hold them back, and the surprise mirrored in Artemis's face was almost worth the throbbing pain in his shoulder.

As he tried to sit up and ask more, the scene dissolved into chaos. Kid Flash zipped into view, wide-eyed at the sight of the arrow and the blood. Aqualad, having finally extracted himself from the wreckage of the office, hobbled over, Miss Martian and Dr. Roquette in tow.

"What happened?" Aqualad demanded, his gaze flitting between the bloody arrow and Zeke's wounded shoulder.

“This dumb blonde shot Genesis, that’s what happened!” Kid Flash shot back, an accusing finger pointed in Artemis’ direction.

"Artemis, can you confirm this?" Aqualad probed, his deep voice surprisingly steady.

"I-" was all Artemis could muster, her eyes bulging in disbelief.

"Are you okay?" Miss Martian chimed in, her telepathic voice filling Zeke's head as she hovered anxiously close to him.

"I… It… I-" Artemis stammered once again, words failing her as she faced the accusing gazes of her teammates.

"I mean, really? Of all the people you could've hit, it had to be me?" Zeke managed to joke, trying to play off the situation. "There’s always Wally, you know."


"This isn't a time for jokes, Genesis," Aqualad chastised, his gaze hard. "Everyone else, silence! Artemis, I need to hear what happened from you."

"I-" Artemis started, swallowing hard. "I… the assassin was… I used my real arrows and didn't… I was moving too quick-"

"Okay, first off, everyone chill," Zeke cut in, pushing himself off the ground and shooing away Miss Martian's offered hand. "I'll be fine. I heal pretty fast especially for minor stuff like this."

“Minor?” Kid Flash asked, eyebrows raised.

"Secondly," he continued, dusting himself off and ignoring Wally as he locked eyes with Aqualad, "this whole arrow thing was on me. Artemis didn't mess up, okay?"

"What?/What?" Artemis and Kid Flash echoed, their faces mirroring their shock as they gaped at Zeke.

Letting out a small groan of exasperation rather than pain, Zeke put a hand to his forehead. "Wow, the stereo effect. Loving it, but you guys could tone it down a little."

"Genesis, this is not the time for jokes. You are hurt," Aqualad reminded him sternly.

"Look, I fought a werewolf like five minutes ago and I’m still here," Zeke countered nonchalantly.

"A what?" Kid Flash questioned, his face a mask of confusion.

"No, a were," Zeke chuckled at his own pun before turning serious again. "’Sides, this is nothing. I get hurt worse every mission. It'll be gone in like five minutes. Ten tops."

"Be that as it may-"

"Can I finish?" Zeke interrupted, earning a surprised look from Aqualad.

"Go ahead, Genesis."

"It was my fault, alright?” He explained truthfully. “I got in the way when she was aiming at the ninja girl. She didn't notice I was there until it was too late.”

"I see," Aqualad nodded, seeming to accept his words. “I expect you to add this to your written mission report when we return.”

“You got it, boss,” Genesis replied, his voice firm.

“That applies to you as well, Artemis,” Kaldur shifted to face her, the look on his face a bit less forgiving. “And we may have to discuss your use of ammunition.”

“Got it.”

From behind Aqualad, Zeke flashed Artemis a grin and a thumbs up, the first of which she returned hesitantly. As the rest of the team moved off to deal with the captured assassins, his smile faded. Artemis' grin faded as well as she spotted his change in expression. A moment later, it disappeared completely to be replaced by a slight look of fear and worry as Zeke repeated his earlier question.

"So, sisters, huh?"

Mission Success!

Weather Alert: Fog Advisory


Survive [✔]


  • 15000 XP
  • Increased rep with Red Arrow

Bonus Objective(s):

Defeat 1 Member of the League of Shadows without assistance [✔]

Bonus Reward(s):

  • 10 VIT
  • Vial of Lazarus Water (Diluted)

Ezekiel Patrick Armstrong

Title: None

Level 15

XP: 15000/17000

Age: 13

HP: 575/970

MP: 75/375

Will: 56/343

STR: 55

SPD: 53

VIT: 62

INT: 61

WIS: 9

CHA: 13

Stat Points: 12

Cash: $375


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