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SUBJECT: [████████████████]

CODE NAME: Prodigy (Thinker Analysis suggests this was a statement of ego, more than a description of powers.)

  • White Knight (used to represent what is believed to be his primary identity)
  • Hardkour (used to represent his secondary identity, association with the ABB and criminal actions)

AGE:  [███] - arguably mid-teens

CLASS: Trump (8)

Sub-CLASS: (Brute/Mover (6), Shaker/Blaster(6))

DISPOSITION: Rogue (Will save civilians from danger but also has engaged in violence against Protectorate Heroes and engages/allies with criminal organizations.)

LOCATION: Brockton Bay

GENERAL INFORMATION: Prodigy's first appearance was documented by a civilian on the night of April 1st, 2011. In the footage, he was seen attempting to scale a wall. Prodigy is believed to have triggered no earlier than a week prior to that occasion. Later that night, he was reported to have engaged Ward: Shadow Stalker in combat, breaking her leg and somehow negating the use of her Breaker ability. This was noted to be the first appearance of the Hardkour persona.

It was not until 5 days later that the appearance of Prodigy under the guise commonly known as White Knight was documented, footage captured by Brockton Bay villains Uber and L33t, as he defeated the Villain Lung to save the now-Ward Lady Bug.

PERSONALITY: Thinker analysis (corroborated by psychological character analysis) describe a Peter Pan like personality; narcissism, low empathy and a lack of regard for consequences outside the immediate present.

Prodigy has proved combative and somewhat hostile towards Protectorate and PRT authority, said hostility seemingly hidden under a playful mask.


Trump (8): Inconclusive Thinker Analysis suggests a progressive-growth Trump ability. A controllable-energy field (yellow) that enhances his force/durability. He can spread this field, as well as apply it to weapons and can then be used to produce the various Shaker/Blaster effects he's been shown capable of in more focused/intense applications.

Shaker/Blaster (6): Has shown significant Pyrokinesis and Aerokinesis. The range and intensity of both have been noted as significant enough to demolish a structure and a range that (inconclusive) Thinker analysis suggests to be as wide as a city block.

Brute (6): Displays ability to move and fight, despite levels of damage that would otherwise be debilitating, if not fatal, while seemingly ignoring pain and theoretical loss of maneuverability due to structural damage.

  • Displays great resistance against blunt force, heat damage and gunfire.
  • Displays superhuman strength sufficient enough to lift a van overhead and throw it up to fifteen meters at high speed.
  • Displays regenerative ability sufficient to completely recover from multiple grenades, shrapnel and a sword through the midsection within the span of six hours.

Mover (6): Has shown the ability to move at supersonic speeds, stick to surfaces and avoid multiple and wide-range attacks. He possesses enhanced agility that allows him to leap very high and across large distances, jump from several stories up to land lightly on his feet, and perform a multitude of acrobatic, gymnastic and martial feats such as flips, handsprings, and spinning kicks. Prodigy has displayed enhanced perception, reflexes and reaction times, a requirement of being able to move at such high speeds. He can also process moving objects at high speeds, allowing him to catch projectiles like crossbow bolts and dodge speeding bullets before they can hit him.

Recommended Strategies :
A-Rank Threat

  • Should Prodigy turn hostile, engage at maximum possible range.
  • Avoid direct confrontation, evacuate civilians, inform Protectorate and request reinforcement.  A minimum of two parahumans should engage. Ideally, Brutes or Breakers powerful enough that his melee skills would be rendered useless. Blasters, Shakers, and Movers who can disrupt his movements and pin him down are also viable. Strangers are another possible option.
  • Due to his lack of experience and single-mindedness, it may be possible to lure him into a trap. Containment foam should prove effective at containing him, if you can catch him with it. Lethal Force is not authorized.


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