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Mob 5.10

                                              – o – o – o – o – o – o – o –​

April 19, 2011

5:12 PM


[Critical Hit]

Status Effect: Cracked Ribs

His mouth was open in a silent gasp, blue eyes wide with pain as Greg struggled to process the situation. The ground had vanished under his feet before he could even blink and all Greg could do was blink as what felt like a cannonball struck his torso, an instinctive attempt at reinforcing his body shattering under his scattered focus.

Sent flying into the air at startling speed, it took Greg a moment to recover from the blow. The abrupt shock from the pressure wave warring with simple fear, Greg’s limbs flailed in silent fear before he suddenly went rigid, the subtle calm of Gamer’s Mind making its presence known. The jackhammer that was his pounding heart slowed to something approaching normal as the pace of the world was sheared in half, the blond suddenly gaining awareness of his situation.

It came too late to do much, though.


Even with a quickened perception of time, the impact came far too fast for him to react to. His back hit the asphalt with a jarring force that rocked his body. A pained groan spilled from his lips the second he hit the ground but Greg kept moving all the same, shifting the momentum of the harsh fall into a quick roll before flipping back to his feet with an ingrained sense of urgency. Coughing and clutching a hand to his aching chest, Greg found himself stumbling backwards on unsteady legs before he quickly threw one hand to the side to catch his balance. God… god dammit… what was that?

Forcing himself to ignore the pain for a moment, the blond cast a glance back up towards the restaurant’s roof, only to find himself stepping back in shock with his mouth agape at the sight of it. 

Or rather, what remained of it. 

Whatever had sent him flying had apparently done far worse to the building he had just been on, considering that the entire roof and a good chunk of the third floor was just... gone. the only remnants of what had once been there scattered all across the asphalt in front of the building, coating the street in a carpet of detritus.

As terrifying as the sight was, it wasn’t as heart-stopping as what Greg spotted next, the blond forgetting his injuries entirely as he scrambled back on the rubble-covered street. The cause of his shock hung in the air, hair buffeting around the brilliant source of light that hid her face from the world as she hovered several meters above the wrecked restaurant, body aglow with the incandescence of a sun in miniature.

Oh… Greg’s jaw snapped back together with a click, teeth slamming into each other. Oh no. 

The blond twitched, the back of his head pulsing a repeated warning as he stared up at Purity with wide, blue eyes. His fingers trembled as he saw the Empire cape begin to move, her floating form drifting over the wrecked rooftop that Greg couldn’t help but shudder at. She must have barely mis-

Greg’s body sprung into overdrive as the warning in his head suddenly screamed for his attention. He shot backwards, body twisting into a powerful somersault as some sort of distortion in the air rushed beneath him with alarming speed. The screech of tearing metal and drove itself into his ears as the distortion passed, the boy’s eyes widening as another warning sounded off in his skull an instant later.






[Status Effect: Severe Bleeding] - 10 Minutes

Resistance: Slashing Lvl Up!


An unrestrained scream passed through gritted teeth as Greg experienced an explosion solely made up of razor blades tear through his right side, blood sent flying as the attack ate through his costume just as easily as it did skin. Blue eyes remained wide as Greg dropped to the ground in an uncontrolled heap, body a twitching mess as the memory of the second bombing forced itself into his mind with near perfect clarity. 


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