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Mob 5.9

                                                      – o – o – o – o – o – o – o –​

April 18, 2011

1:21 PM

The gangster adjusted his aim and Greg made his move, quickly dashing to the side in a feat of speed that could only be described as blatantly superhuman. His sudden movement came not a moment too soon as a sound of thunder jarred the blond’s eardrums at the very same instant that a section of the wall exploded less than a meter away from his face, peppering his upper body with plaster and drywall dust.

Status Effect: Hearing Impairment (Ruptured Eardrums) - 15 minutes

Fu-! His head jerked back as the sound washed over, Greg shutting his eyes for an instant as a spike of pain stabbed into his skull without warning. Less than a second later, the blond furiously shook his head and pushed away the pain, vicious anger in his eyes as he charged towards the backpedaling shooter, the mob of gangsters already on the move themselves.

In hindsight, that was a bad move.


Another gunshot rang out as Greg let out a scream that was more anger than pain as a new hole opened up in his chest, a white-hot screaming pain in his torso and back informing him of the path the bullet took. He barely paused, not even stumbling for an instant as the pain faded just that quickly. Yet, it was enough.

The crowd of people thickened in a rough semi-circle centered on him, the shooter already lost behind a wall of men. A metal bat came swinging down on him, its holder screaming in some language Greg either didn’t know or bother to think about at the moment. The blond reacted, hand grabbing hold of the silver melee weapon as he yanked it forward with strength only his Reinforcement could grant.

The man on the other end was pulled towards him, letting go of the bat at the last moment as he realized what was happening. Greg, new weapon in hand albeit in an awkward position, swung the bat directly behind him on a gamble as his eyes darted around to those opponents that he could keep track of already. The sound of several people crying out in pain as the bat met resistance was music to his ears and the blond spun around, thrusting his leg forward in a kick any true Spartan would be proud of.

The thug on the other end of his kick flew across the room, his back meeting the door leading outside with a cracking noise that sounded nothing if not utterly painful. Before he could even take a moment to celebrate that, Greg was forced to dodge again as the edge of a long bladed weapon flitted past his field of vision.

The blond quickly threw his head back in the opposite direction as another machete came swinging for his head less than a second later. Shit! His heart rate spiked as he ducked forward, quickly maneuvering into a forward roll to avoid the onslaught of weapons from all sides. 


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