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Mob 5.6

April 17, 2011

3:28 PM

It was an explosion unlike Brockton Bay had ever seen.

Not for its sheer destructive power, of course.

With no actual fire or thermic component to it, the bomb was never going to topple buildings or scar a landscape.

No, this bomb traded raw destruction for sheer carnage.

If the creator were to describe it to you, there would likely have been mention of the dual components to it; particularly of how the first part transmuted its surroundings to glass itself and the second was a powerful and focused shockwave with enough blast pressure to break bones, smash concrete and send people - and shrapnel - flying at high speeds with ease.

Working in tandem, the simultaneous activation of both was meant to brutally kill, mutilate and demoralize as many as possible.

Needless to say, it served its purpose well.





A single body ragdolled through the air from its origin point directly in front of the hospital's open doors, hurtling over the heads of the gathered crowd as glass shrapnel flew with speed akin to bullets alongside and around it. As screams filled the air, it simply tumbled head over heels without any sense of control as if violently struck by the hand of God himself.

It landed with a painful crunch directly on top of a small sedan nestled away in the corner of Brockton Central’s parking lot, utterly crushing the roof and shattering the glass of the windshield with the impact.



Status Effect: Broken Bones - 4 Hours

Status Effect: Severe Concussion (Cracked Skull) - 3 Hours

The alarm didn’t even bother to go off, strangely enough, despite the sheer level of damage done to it in the span of a second by a boy weighing a fraction of its weight. Even then, it was one of many cars and would have been lost in the cacophony as so many others blared at full volume.

Status Effect: Deafness (Ruptured Eardrums) - 3 Hours

Blood dripped from burst and bleeding eyeballs as the body sank into the indentation the crash had formed for it, an open mouth with shattered teeth releasing nothing but silent wheezes and bubbling gurgles.

Status Effect: Blindness (Ruptured Eyeballs) - 9 Hours

Status Effect: Severe Bleeding - 3 Hours


Status Effect: Mute (Torn Throat) - 3 Hours

Status Effect: Anosmia - 1 Hour

More gurgles sounded, bloody shards of glass embedded in a torn throat freeing him from screaming himself ragged. For a few minutes more, his broken form twitched madly, the action only serving to drive more glass into his body from all sides.














His body twitched a few times, one side bleeding in spurts from a long sliver of metal jutting from his ribcage. With a shuddering gurgle, Greg Veder’s body stilled as he lay unnoticed and unseen all the while Brockton Bay descended into utter chaos.

3:38 PM


3:48 PM


3:58 PM


4:08 PM







The crucible of pain is real. DAMN, I FELT THAT.