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Name: Ethan McKnight

Code Name: Assault

Age: 32

Affiliation: Protectorate ENE

Designation: Hero

Location: Brockton Bay

Classification: Striker 7 | Mover 3

Appearance: Assault has a lean, athletic physique, consistent with high physical activity and training. His costume is composed of padded red body armor, designed for both protection and mobility, along with a visor that covers the upper half of his face

Background: Previously known as "Madcap," Assault engaged in criminal activities with a focus on evasion and kinetic force application, amassing over 100 felonies without resorting to purposefully lethal violence. His altercations with then-heroine Battery, whom he defeated on multiple occasions before his eventual capture, marked a significant chapter in his history. It is speculated that his final confrontation, resulting in his capture, was intentionally forfeited by McKnight. Post-incarceration, he underwent rehabilitation and was inducted into the Protectorate ENE, adopting the alias "Assault."

Ability Title: Tactile Kinetic Redistributor

Ability Assessment: Assault exhibits pronounced ability to manipulate kinetic energies upon contact. This includes but is not limited to exertion of substantial force against objects sufficient to alter their state of motion dramatically, redirection of incoming kinetic forces to nullify impacts, and enhancement for rapid transit speeds.

Threat Assessment: Assault's ability to apply and redistribute kinetic energy grants him significant versatility in both combat and strategic mobility.

Operational Notes: Given his proficiency in kinetic energy manipulation, engagement protocols should emphasize versatility and unpredictability, leveraging his strengths in both direct confrontation and strategic mobility. Coordination with allied forces is paramount to maximize the utility of his abilities in team-based operations. 

Threat Level: High. Given his ability to significantly alter the dynamics of a physical confrontation and his proven combat efficacy, a strategic approach to engagement is advised.

Threat Class: B




Just a note, you have Assault and Battery's ages backwards. Assault (as Madcap) was an adult cape back when Battery was still a teenager.