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Heya patrons, I made updates to the patreon tiers since I felt these needed a bit of an adjustment to what I felt was fair. 

Changes include: 

$1 - Now has access to see art earlier along with feed

$5 - Sketches & WiPs have been updated to include sketches I do on the side which are usually not posted, Hi-Res is now available to everyone free! No more restrictions-

$10 - You can now vote for a monthly sketch, instead of only being at $20! The difference with this is, if there are no $20 patrons, I will make the voting adjusted to what I want to have a selection to vote on, until there is a $20 patron-

That's all! Just wanted to make easier access to all, felt like I made a mistake early on but eh, might as well fix it sooner than later!

Have a good day-



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