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Hey all. I know I'm writing in this a month after posting nothing here and look I know if its frustrating if I keep forgetting to share things on here or am not being exactly on-time with things the past few months.

I know it'll sound like a tired excuse at this point of me blaming my stress and lazy ass mind, I keep meaning to share stuff here  first but I keep forgetting because uploading to multiple places is alot to handle for me even tho yes it sounds really simple it gets tedious extremely fast...and also just lots of things to handle the previous months, I haven't really had any ideas for what to do this month until last minute, not really been in good headspace mentally. 

I'm really sorry. I know its expected I should act more responsibly and I'm not trying to swindle anyone or feel like I'm just taking y'alls money for nothing. I really feel like shit about it and it's not my intention for this stuff to keep happening. I'm sorry if I don't sem as professional or more responsible as others...I'm just not feeling very good alot. I'm sorry. I

lll try to upload and catch up on things I need to send this month soon. Bundle it with next months,. Sorry again.


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