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Hey all,

I'm writing an update today because I was feeling a little conflicted lately on how my whole Patreon reflects on those who either support me or dont, I've been feeling like I haven't been managing it well really this year as much as I had expected at the beginning of the year.

Sometimes I wonder with all I've done like be late to provide rewards way more often, update not as much as prior because honestly I HATE using the uploader on this site...it's so tedious to keep a constant flow especially with how I feel often. Providing merch, I'm not even sure if it's a worthy investment given how much I spent to produce them each time...etc etc.

I guess I'll ask this as more of a general question, but how do you all feel how things are with my patreon? I was gonna make a document for this but honestly I'd rather people just give me comments / feedback through here / dm's on discord, I've been just feeling lost lately that Idk what I'm doing really as much anymore. 

Basically summed up tl;dr- I feel conflicted on how I'm presenting / doing work on patreon and idk if it's something bothersome to current patrons to not be as interested, which I completely understand. If you have comments for me like I said above, feel free to share them with me. I'm just really not sure otherwise lately of much.



I just use the patreon as a "tip jar" without really any expectations on rewards. If the platform is a pain in the ass, I don't think you should feel obligated to deal with the hassle if you have other ideas