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Hey all. I wanted to make an announcement here In general, even for those not on the discord server since I figured I'd announce it anyways.

I want to say I'm sorry if things haven't been as, lively I guess? Communication isn't exactly my biggest strongsuit, and even communicating this to supporters is kind of anxiety inducing.

It's nothing like terrible, I guess I just haven't been exactly good at making it seem how worth it is to even communicate with my own supporters / fans? I'm not very good at thinking at how to say thank you or for thanks for support and the like. Motivation isn't exactly the greatest either with thinking how positive to try to be each month for how stuff might go.

I guess TL;DR is I'm not exactly the best at communication, I'm sorry if this is negligent / not what you expected from paying for support and If you have suggestions to give me how to improve it I will consider them. Just feel like I haven't really been doing a good job this whole year overall really.


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