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Hello Patrons.

This is an update for the month again, since some of you may know what was occurring with Patreon's bad decisions of possibly changing up the way fees were going to be distributed. 

Well, you can rest easy now knowing those changes wont happen. You can see the official statement here: https://blog.patreon.com/not-rolling-out-fees-change/

With that, thank you all who still stuck by regardless of this. It's understandable if some had to leave, that is only reactionary to what this situation could've led to. Thankfully I did not lose much at all, so I'm glad to have been not so affected. I do hope Patreon does something to the other creators I know however that have lost some of their patronage funds because of this.

All I can say apart on the matter is, if you enjoy someones work and would like to support them, there is always many ways to do that. I appreciate you all still being here like I state time and time again, because I really do mean it. I was looking into alternatives before this recent announcement for all my lower tiers just incase, but thankfully it didn't have to come to that, so thank you again.

One other side note I will leave is that I'm sorry for the slow lack of updates this month. I've been under alot of stress with different issues and problems, it's hitting me a little hard in my workflow and I'm not so encouraged as of late. I'll try to kickstart that back soon, to hopefully feel better.

Regardless, have a good day, and continue having a good month.



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