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Hey guys, I wanted to inform you all of something since it seems Patreon has added new stuff recently

First off, Patreon is now letting me do private streams now with streaming to Youtube. I'm not exactly sure how it works yet but I'm trying to setup the account to see how it is compared to something like Picarto.

The idea would be to make an incentive, or perhaps a goal later on, (I am not sure at this moment) to do some private streams where only patrons can attend of a certain tier. I've been thinking those of 5+ can join these streams and we could do something like sketch request streams, or just casual request hangouts sometimes during the month!

Personally i've been wanting to do this for a while because It sounded really neat, though the reason why I didn't before was that paying $15 per month for Picarto premium just to do so put me off. Now with the incentive for private streaming through Youtube though, I'm reconsidering this option.

So, what do y'all think? If Youtube goes well through testing, we might have ourselves a new incentive / goal upon us, which would be for $5+ patrons : D Let me know what you guys think-



It sounds like a neat idea! You oughtta have stuff prepared tho


Yeah, It's still being worked on like I said, but if it can be worked out, would like to!