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After weeks of begging her, Jessica finally agreed to grant her new friend Rom’s wish. She knew he had a sock fetish and that he wanted nothing more than to be shrunk down and given a front row show of the gorgeous redheads sensual sock clad feet. Jessica slid on her blue knee high socks and promptly shrunk her new boy toy down until she was towering over him. She hovered her socked foot over his body and gently pressed him into the floor. The tiny boy blissfully enjoyed the soft gentle weight of the girls steamy socks pressing against him.

And Crush:

Careful What You Wish For:   After weeks of begging her, Jessica finally agreed to grant her new friend Rom’s wish. She knew he had a sock fetish and that he wanted nothing more than to be shrunk down and given a front row show of the gorgeous redheads sensual sock clad feet. Jessica slid on her blue knee high socks and promptly shrunk her new boy toy down until she was towering over him. She hovered her socked foot over his body and gently pressed him into the floor. The tiny boy blissfully enjoyed the soft gentle weight of the girls steamy socks pressing against him.  Suddenly Rom could sense the giantess above him demeanor shifting. He looked up and noticed the once sweet redhead now had dark black hair and a wicked grin playing across her face. She pointed at the tiny boy and he could feel himself shrinking to dangerously small proportions. Not only could Rom sense himself becoming smaller and more fragile but he could tell the giantess was now pressing way harder. “Please stop!” The tiny boy cried out, but it was too late. Evil Jessica crushed his legs and lower torso into a pulpy paste while giggling maniacally above. Evil Jess smugly exclaimed “Your wish has been granted bug!”



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