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Mega Link (496 Mo) - 2.025


Patch notes :

  • New Ponies: Stellar Flare, Rumble
  • New Animation: /ss/ part 1 & 2
  • Anthros have been added to interactive system
  • Alicorn have been added to interactive system

Bug fixes

  • Fixed AJ's ears
  • Fixed the "Hide UI" button being sometime out of screen


  • Tamed the lighting in "Ponyville House"


Beginning of the year was kinda hectic and I really thought I wouldn't manage to fit the other two body types in time.

Anyway, next update will bring a revamp of the interactive system for non-vr users, and will probably replace the "teleport" system with ponies actually walking around. Strong "maybe" on adding basic interaction like playing fetch or feeding on top of it. Also dildos.
If I can get all of that working, I will probably start publishing a "SFW" version alongside the main one.




Anthros have my attention. Hoping for a skybox scene that is all studio with no background elements or skyboxes.