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Hi everyone!

Today I made this small sprite-sheet compressor! It turns your sprite-sheet into a string of characters and then it can turn that string of characters back into a sprite-sheet!

The compression depends a lot on the complexity of the sprite-sheet which, sadly, makes it not super efficient with actual sprite-sheets, especially if you have a lot of dithering in there. But I think it could work very well for maps though!

That pug gif is 13 frames and they all fit in one cart! (it's also a good example on not-complex sprite-sheets)

You can check out the cart and its code and download it on the Pico-8 BBS, there: lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=40008#p40008


This week-end I'm seeing some family, hopefully I'll have time to work on things. I'm getting some interesting ideas for the voxel fps game! ;)



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