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Hello patrons!

It is very late but it is here! The Doodle Insights #13!

It is the longest one so far and it gets really technical towards the end. Sorry about that. But this is mostly an introduction for the next Doodle Insights where I'll get to write about some of my favorite tricks I use in the doodles! There's some pretty good stuff on this one already though!

Link: https://trasevoldog.wordpress.com/2017/04/21/di13-spritesheet1/ 

I hope you like it! If you have any questions, please do ask!

Have fun with your sprite-sheets!



Tim S

Thank you for the article. It's good so far. Do you have the code in one of these patreon links for that first doodle with the cellular automata in the sprite sheet? I'm interested in learning more about how that one works.


Actually it's one of the first 45 Pico-8 Doodles, so you can find it over at lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=34182, along with the gold one! :)