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What happened on week 50 of my indiedev adventures?! Find out there!

It's mostly about why I'm taking so much time refactoring my Ludum Dare code and then some conclusions I got from the game design brainstorming I did this week!

It also mentions some Patreon changes! There will be a post here this week, probably Wednesday or Thursday, where I'll write about how the Patreon went since I created it back in January and then the changes that I wish to make, especially regarding the rewards and the Doodle Insights!

Those changes could be applied on Saturday the 15th but I do want to know what you think of them first, so watch out for that post! (btw I very recently said that the changes would only happen at the start of May, sorry about changing my mind, I think sooner is better :X)

Have a nice week!


Tim S

Having different zones of the same difficulty is really interesting. I haven't played Risk of Rain yet, but it sounds like a good fit for One Room Dungeon. Thanks for the update!