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*there's a TL;DR at the end*

Hi! I failed at 7DRL!

What happened? I spent most of the week working on very technical stuff that I wanted to try out and didn't really add any content until today, the final day of this year's 7DRL.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up on the game! In fact I spent today going crazy over content, all the sprites for the game are done, but only two thirds of them are curently used. There's too much code left to write for me to do it all tonight. And even if I could do all that code, I also need to hunt for Pico-8 tokens because my game won't be able to run on Pico-8 anymore soon. The struggle is real.

So what's current state of things? Today I did the sprites for everything that I want in the game, including 6 different enemies, a fireball and a final boss. There is no code for any of these things as of right now. I also did the sprites for all the plants and all the equipment (just three different swords) and the code for them is done, they're all in the game. Today I wanted to do a simple dungeon level system with staicases but didn't get the time. Again, the sprites for the staircases are ready to be used. Coupled to that, there should be the monster spawning system and the items that you can buy in the shop should depend on the level you're at. I know precisely how to do all of these things, the levels, the spawns, the enemies' behaviors... and I even know how to get the tokens for all of it. But I'm simply too exhausted to do anymore of it tonight.

On top of that, sfx, music and title screen are also missing.

What now? I'm opting into 14DRL! That's not really a thing but basically, I'll take the time to finish up the game and then polish it with the time left and I'll release it at the end of this new week, probably on Friday. The good side of this is that I'll be able to make the game even better! \o/

TL;DR: I failed 7DRL but I'm turning it into 14DRL and the game will be out on Friday on the Pico-8 BBS.

Thanks for reading, have a good one!



Tim S

Thanks for the update. I look forward to playing it when it's ready. Harvest Moon was one of my favorite games while I was growing up. For reducing tokens, have you tried PicoTool? My friend Dan made it and it includes a minifier. <a href="https://github.com/dansanderson/picotool" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://github.com/dansanderson/picotool</a>


Thank you! I haven't tried PicoTool but I might if I need even more tokens! Today or tomorrow I'll switch most written arrays of the game to strings to serialize, which should save me enough tokens to finish the game hopefully!