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Hi all!

Just a very quick message to let you know what's happening on our side!

We did make a game during May but haven't got the time to release it yet! It is called Ecstatic and it's a bullet-hell where you control a robot spider that can slow down time and shoot rockets out of its butt. It's really fun and it is in fact ready for release at this point, we "just" need to make the game's page, prepare some assets for the eventual streamers, make a quick trailer and announce the game everywhere. We hope we can make all this happen early next week.

The reason we're fighting for time at this moment is that in May we released Shotgun King on Steam, and it got wayyy more successful than we could have imagined. This is obviously great for our financial safety, but it also means the game has been a lot more work than our usual releases are. In fact, we're about to release one more patch and we have plans for more on this game. Let me explain why:

If the game keeps on selling, we'll get more money. And with that money we can afford to have other developpers whose work we love make guest punkcake games! Of course that would remain fairly occasional, but we think it would help make our schedule a little lighter and catch up with the delays we've accumulated. And I mean, we'd really love to feature super cool devs and we think you'll love their work too!

Ok, that's it for now!

Thank you so much for your support and your patience! Stay tuned for the Ecstatic release next week! And we'll have more games for you soon! :)

Have a lovely weekend!



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