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TL;DR: All Patreon subscribers have now access to Shroomchitect, you can claim it on our website https://punkcake.club. After much reflexion we are changing our Patreon rewards: the 5€ tier gets the games' soundtracks as they come out + their name in the games' credits, the 10€ tier gets access to a brand new Discord channel where we share resources, assets, and early versions of the games and soundtracks as we work on them!


Hi everyone!

Let's start with the news you've been waiting for: Shroomchitect is here! It's feature-complete and you can play it now, a few days ahead of the public release, which will happen on Tuesday the 22nd!

If you haven't yet, you can get your copy of Shroomchitect over at https://punkcake.club!

This doesn't mean we plan to do an early access of every punkcake game, this is just something we're trying out. We'll see if we do it again with other future games.

If you'd like, I'd very much like to have your feedback on the game over on our Discord. I'm trying to patch in as many bugfixes and minor improvements before the public release on Tuesday. If you're not on our Discord yet, all you have to do is connect your account in your Patreon settings. You will get invited automatically.

Also a very quick note to say that the Connoisseur version of Shroomchitect will go up on Tuesday, at the same time as the public release.

Before moving on to the other news, I'd like to reiterate that despite being so late, Shroomchitect is still the January game, that the February game is very much being made by Benjamin even though we haven't communicated on it yet, and that there will also be a March game. We just want to assure you that we won't cheat you on the calendar, the games may come late, but you will get them as due. 🙂

Now, two of the reasons that generated these delays are the Patreon rewards. Specifically the polls to decide what game we're making, and the special versions of the games, which are rewards of the 5€ and 10€ tiers respectively. Both have turned out to be much more of a constraint than we thought and have led to both frustration and delays.

Last month I wrote a post talking about all this and asked you for suggestions of new rewards to replace the old ones. Several of you seemed to like the idea of getting the soundtracks of the games, and others have expressed an interest in us sharing our process and insights. We've taken the time to digest your feedback and finally on last Monday we've come to a decision!

  • The 5€ tier loses the deciding polls and instead get the OSTs of the games on Bandcamp, on top of having your name in the credits of the games. We will have keys available for the album corresponding to each new game, starting with the Shroomchitect OST on Tuesday.
  • The 10€ tier loses the special versions for each new game (you will keep the old special versions of course) and instead gets access to a brand new #dev-share channel on our Discord, where we will be posting things we usually keep amongst ourselves, like resources, assets, but also early versions of the games and of the soundtracks!

Both of the new rewards are very low maintenance for us, and they do not limit us at all, unlike the old ones they're replacing. We're very hopeful that the freedom this brings us will help us get back up to speed with the game releases. We will keep you up to date on that!

And that is it for today, apologies for the long post! We hope the new rewards suit you and we hope you enjoy Shroomchitect!

Have a lovely weekend and see you on Tuesday for a much shorter Shroomchitect release post!




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