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Hi punks!

First of all, happy new year! We wish you all to have a beautiful year and that you may get closer to whatever your personal ideal life is!

Ourselves, we are hoping to get more comfortable in our ways of working and to be able to explore new ideas and hopefully give you a full dozen of new video games this year!

Of course this is the same post where I tell you that I'm super late with the first game of the year. 😅 Shroomchitect is on its way, as you can see on the gif above it's even starting to look pretty good, but it still needs quite a bit of work and for now it's impossible to say exactly when it'll be ready for release. Hopefully it'll be there before the end of the month. But rest assured, even if it's not, you will still get it if you were subscribed during January!

Moreover I'm happy to report that even though the January game is late, Benjamin is already at work on the February game, and so one game's delay should not affect the next one!

Ok, now something different entirely.

So far this whole game-a-month project has proven to be A Lot to handle for two devs and one musician. Because of this we've been thinking of ways we could streamline things to give us some space to breathe. One thing we've noticed is that the game polls and the special versions for all the games are more of a contraint than we expected. While we love giving you some control over things, and while we also love spoiling you with secret content, sometimes we just have this one game that we want to make, or the game idea that was chosen isn't turning out quite like we imagined and we wish we could switch to something different, and for all the games the last few days of development are crazy and having to add the variations for the secret version is really not as fun as it should be.

Ok, I think you see where I'm going with this, we want to replace those two Patreon rewards with other things. And we'd like to know what you think, and especially what you would like as potential new rewards. And if you've subscribed to those tiers for those rewards we're trying to replace, then we really want to hear for you: are you ok with us changing them?

One idea we have is to replace the special versions of the 10€ tier with redeemable codes for the games' Original Soundtracks on Bandcamp. (you would get downloads and infinite streaming) Would you like that? 🎶

We're still super undecided about what to do with the 5€ tier, the credits aren't going anywhere but we'd like to keep a little extra to go along with it. Do you have any ideas for that?? 🤔

Please let us know here in the comments and in the Discord server if you're on there! (quick reminder that if you're a subscriber and if you connect your Discord account in your Patreon settings, you will get access to Patreon-exclusive channels on the Discord server)

Thank you all so much for your support in 2021, you rock, we love you, you're the mapple syrup to our pancakes. 🥞

Have a nice week and a wonderful 2022!




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