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Hi all!

We're finally bringing our games to Steam, starting with The Wratch's Den!

However, we want to make the most out of these Steam releases and that means we want to gather wishlists before actually releasing the game on there. Steam wishlists have a big impact on games' visibility on the platform and it would help us a ton to have that visibility on launch.

So if you have a Steam account, please wishlist the game and tell your friends about it! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1820470/The_Wratchs_Den/ 

When The Wratch's Den becomes available on Steam, you will get a free Steam key if you already own it from either Itch or Patreon. Same goes for all our future Steam releases.

We expect to do the Steam release in January, some time after the regular Punkcake game January release.

Speaking of which, if you are supporting us at the 5$ Partner Chef tier or above, look out for the January game poll coming up very soon!

Thank you all for your support! Have a lovely week!



The Wratch's Den 👹 Steam Trailer ~ Wishlist Now!!

Wishlist The Wratch's Den at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1820470/The_Wratchs_Den/ Thank you very much!


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