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[TL;DR]: Benjamin Soulé and I are starting on a new project, PunkCake Délicieux, which consists of releasing a new game every month. We need a Patreon for it, and recycling my personal Patreon would offer multiple advantages for us. And so I ask you the question: Would you be ok with me going ahead on this?? (please vote in the poll at the bottom of the post)

Hi everyone!

As announced in more details in the newsletter I just put out, Benjamin Soulé and I are starting a new project together: PunkCake Delicieux! We will be putting out a new game every month, which you'll get by either being subscribed to our Patreon, or by buying it on the usual game platforms but for a higher price.

As you of course know, I already have a Patreon for my work. It would be very advantageous for us to recycle this Patreon into the subscription system we want to set up. Here are some reasons:

  • You. You're already here, meaning that at launch, our project will already have a nice amount of support, which will encourage more support, and is much preferable to starting with nothing at all anyway.
  • Side-stepping the Patreon cut. Some time ago, Patreon started taking a cut off revenues for new accounts, with different payment plans. My account was created way before this change, and so my Patreon doesn't cost me anything, but a new one would.
  • I certainly won't have the time and/or energy to keep up with my personal Patreon after the PunkCake Patreon launches. There will be a newsletter over there, and it will be very much like the one you already know, there will be more updates of what's being worked on, and more still, it will be a lot of upkeep.

"Ok, so what would this recycling entail exactly?" I hear you ask. Well let me answer you with yet another non-comprehensive list:

  • The Patreon page will have a makeover. The description will be rewritten, there will be a short video explaining the project.
  • All the rewards are going to get changed up. This is still in the state of draft at this point, but the 1$ tier will be removed, the 3$ tier will be changed to "get a new game every month", and 5$ and 8$ tiers should get new good stuff. The 16$ tier is likely to be removed as well.
  • More Patreon content: the newsletter will still be happening every month and I will still be the one writing it, giving updates on what Benjamin and I are up to. Obviously there will be the new game every month. We'll probably have at least one development update in the middle of the month for the upcoming game. And then some more stuff for the higher tiers.

Making a small note here: while the 1$ tier will go away, you will still be able to have a tier-less 1$ subscription and that will still give you access to the newsletter which will be "for all Patreon supporters". So, in effect, that removal doesn't change much at all.

On the other hand, here is a non-comprehensive of negatives for this change:

  • It's not what you subscribed for.
  • I may not get the entirety of your money anymore.
  • The tiers will get changed up, meaning you may have to update your subscription once the change takes place.

Of course there will be a more definitive announcement once we get closer to the launch of the project, but in the meantime, I need your validation for me to recycle the page!

Thank you very much, have a nice day!



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