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Hi everyone!

It's been a while, I'm sorry, the last two months have been particularly chaotic for me, with looking for a new place and then finding one, moving in and furnishing it. I'm finally starting to be settled now, even though there are still a few missing furnitures... but I'm not getting those anytime soon, since it's self-confinement time!

Yes so, I don't feel like I need to tell you this but a good portion of the world is currently acting on confinement measures in answer to the COVID-19 virus. A little late if you ask me but whatever, now it's happening. And since most people are staying at home (thoughts go to all delivery persons who, incredibly, don't get to protect themselves with self-confinement and are actually facing an increase in demand) they need something to do. So a lot of developpers on Itch.io are straight up giving away their games! For free or at generous discounts!

Seriously check it out, there are a lot of gems hiding in there!

And I'm also taking part in this, with Pixel Session Vol.1 and also the Embrace executables which are usually 2$. The sale is here and it will run until Sunday. Feel free to tell your friends about it!

Also, since you all have been very generous to me already, if you miss the sale or if you ever want to gift my games to a friend, you can just ask me in a private message and I will send you a free key. :)

Stay safe everyone!

Take care!

Rémy 🍬


Stay Home; Play Games by Rémy "Trasevol_Dog" Devaux

A sale by Rémy "Trasevol_Dog" Devaux, 100% off Pixel Session Vol.1, Embrace


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